State Pooper

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"We can go somewhere else. Just me and you." Laura said to Anthony as the guys pulled up in front of a bar and grill. 

"I'm just going to eat here." Anthony said without much effort. 

"Why? And why are you mad?" She asked, an attitude slowly slipping into her voice.

"Because you just threw me under the bus. I just want to eat and go back to get some sleep." He said. 

"Really? You haven't seen me in seven months and you get mad because I tell you to do your job, which I got you so I don't want to be the one looking like an idiot if you don't show up. When you realize you're over reacting you can call me." She said, walking past him to the table. All of the guys had heard their argument.

"Uh oh, Gates. Breaking up couples already." Jimmy said, elbowing Brian. 

"It's one of my many hidden talents." He smirked, looking through the menu. The waiter came to take everyones order. He had apparently knew Avenged Sevenfold because he started off asking if anyone wanted drinks. Everyone just decided on beers.

"Uh, I'll have a gin and tonic." Laura spoke out. All the guys cheered and clapped. They knew the old LC would pop out soon. 

"Just bring us shots." Matt said, throwing his hands up. 

It had been three and a half hours since Anthony stalked away from Laura. They were now at a bar, all drinking. Matt and Brian met some old biker and started talking to him. Michelle and Val were playing pool with Johnny and Zack and Jimmy was at the bar, drinking and talking to whoever was beside him. Laura was on the floor, with a beer, singing along to The Killers. Everyone was dancing with someone else, but she was by herself, moving just enough to call it dancing and singing pretty loudly. She wasn't necessarily drunk, but she was feeling it and she just wasn't caring.

After a while, the guys were ready to leave. Val and Michelle had already left, just leaving the guys and Laura. 

"Take me out!" Laura sang along with Franz Ferdinand while dancing with some random girls she met. 

"Laura!" Someone yelled. She turned to where the voice came from. She could tell they had been yelling for her for a while. Suddenly an arm wrapped around her pulling her out of the crowd.

"Brian!" She said, finally finding who the arm belonged to. "You're killing my buzz. And my moves." She said, doing a small dance. He snorted at, what she called, dance moves. 

"We have to meet the Berry's." Brian said, letting her walk on her own. The guys lead a clearly drunk Laura to another bar to meet the Berry's. They perched her up on a bar stool and left Matt with her while talked to Jason for whatever they needed. 

"Ugh, they're taking too long." Matt complained.

"Why'd they even leave us here anyway. Like we're not good enough to be in their little posse'? Their little cliche. Fuck them, Matt Berry. Let's go!" Laura said. He couldn't help but to crack up and follow her. They walked outside and walked down the street a little more.

"What are we looking for?" He asked, whispering. She bit her lip, looking around. She lit up and studied Matt. He still had his technician belt on from the show earlier. 

"Hm. Give me..." She said looking at all the things he had. "That tape!" She said, grabbing the black tape from him. She made her way to a car on the other side of the street. 

"Uh. No. Laura, no, no!" Matt said from across the street. The rest of the guys finally caught up to them.

"Matt, what the hell? We looked for you. Where's Laura?" The other Matt asked. He looked over and saw her. 

"Laura! No!" He said, but was cut off by someone exiting the small diner. They assumed he was the one the car belonged to; you know because it said state trooper and he was wearing a uniform. Well, technically now it was state pooper. Laura had taped over the T and the bottom of the R on his car, making it say state pooper. 

The officer answered a call on his walkie talkie and leaned against the back of his car. They heard him talking and then heard him say 'huh?' really loudly. Laura knew he had seen it,so she couldn't contain her giggles.

"Who is that? You think this is funny? Come out!" The trooper said. Laura fell over, laughing, revealing herself to him. She stood up and he made his way over to her. "You did this?" He asked. She nodded, trying to calm down. The rest of the guys stood up, preparing to keep Laura from going to jail.

"Actually, it was pretty funny." The officer said in a calm voice. 

"Can we take a picture? My boyfriend will never believe this." Laura said. He nodded and walked over to his car, taking a picture with Laura near the State Pooper; the guys also got a photo with him for their website. 

"Alright, I think you're hella funny but you have to get off the streets, ms. Highly-intoxicated." The state trooper said.

"We're taking her home officer. Sorry about that, nice to meet you." Jimmy said, grabbing his sister's shoulders and saying goodbye to the officer.

Val and Michelle were sitting on the couch in their comfortable clothes, watching some girl movie. Val's phone vibrated beside her. She picked it up and opened the message from her boyfriend to see a picture of Laura and a state trooper by his car. Underneath it he had written something along the lines of 'look at what this girl got us into'. He also sent her the photo of all of them with the officer. 

"Oh my gosh." Val said. She caught Michelle's attention. She showed her sister the photos. "They're such bad influences." Val laughed.

"She's winning over our boyfriends." Michelle sighed, not sounding too happy.

"She knew our boyfriends before us." Val said, not at all upset. "She's all for Anthony anyway. But even if she wasn't and all the guys were deeply in love with her none of them could keep up with her." Val said, getting up and throwing away the empty bag of popcorn. Michelle was left to linger in the thought of Laura taking over Avenged Sevenfold. 

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