Everybody's Gotta Die Sometime

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I am mucho tired and I had no perception or perspective so I honestly can't judge if this is a decent chapter or not. But it's getting published -

The sound of the siren faded as the ambulance left the scene with Anthony in the back. Laura took a second to assess what had happened. She pressed her hands to her face, hoping this was all a dream; that's what it felt like right now. She dropped her hands and turned around to see Jason along with a couple other people. She also saw her outside, her frazzled red hair peaking from the doorway. Laura felt her blood boil and she made her way to her. She slammed her to the side of the RV so hard it moved a little.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Laura yelled in her face. Jason was already there diffusing the situation. Even though Laura was beyond pissed, she didn't want to make even more of a scene around all the people. She backed away from her and began walking to her car. Jason followed, but when they got to the car, he stepped in the way.

"Jason. Don't do this. None of this is what you think. But I want to know if Anthony survives." She said.

"Jimmy will be so pissed if I just go along with all of this." He said.

"Fuck what Jimmy thinks! He should stop being so selfish. This is someone's life!" She said. Jason took the keys out of her hand.

"Jason!" She argued.

"Get in the damn passenger side. I'm not letting you drive." He said, getting in and cranking the car. Laura fidgeted with her fingers the entire ride. It seemed like the ride was so long. Before they got there, she looked at her phone. She had a billion calls and text from Jimmy and Val. Michelle and Matt had even thrown in a text or two. Brian called a few times and left a text or two. He was finally realizing that she did better with space. As soon as she cleared the calls, Brian's name showed up on her phone.

"Brian?" She answered.

"Where are you, Laura? What's going on? Just come back here and calm down-." He said.

"I'm-. I'm not alone. I have to deal with a couple things, but it's not what any of you are thinking." She said. Brian tried to piece it all together. He was about to say something else when they pulled up to the hospital. "I have to go. I'll explain later. Bye." She said and hung up.

Brian threw his phone; luckily it just hit the back of the couch and bounced along the cushions.

"What did she say?" Jimmy asked. Matt and Johnny looked at him, waiting to heat what he said next.

"Nothing, she was being fucking cryptic. She said she's not alone and it's not what we think." Brian answered.

"What does that mean?" Jimmy asked, but before anyone said anything he pieced it together. "She's with Anthony!" He slammed his fist against something. Brian stopped listening to his fit; he was wondering if she really was with Anthony again. Knots formed in his stomach thinking of her being with God knows who, or even thinking about her being with Anthony and him doing what he did the other night. He had worried so much about her in the past few months and she was doing better, but now she had went right back and was shutting him out again. If she didn't tell Brian, she wouldn't tell anyone. There was no way she would confide in anyone else, or tell Jimmy.


Laura couldn't keep still. She was sitting in the lobby with Jason, waiting to hear something. Since they had arrived there were multiple codes called through out the hospital. Laura wondered which ones were for Anthony.

"I don't mean to be a downer... But what if he doesn't survive?" Jason asked, lightly.

"We go home." She answered simply and looked at him. He looked at her too, silently agreeing that he would take her back. She wasn't prepared if he died. She would live with it, because even if she were there she wasn't sure if she could prevent it. She might have today, but there would be another time.

Her stomach was eating her alive. She had come to the terms of living with out Anthony and she was fully ready to step up to those terms, but she didn't want him to die. And not this way either.


Brian sat in the back away from Matt and Johnny's questioning stares, away from Val's worried expression, and away from Jimmy's tantrums. He wanted answers and he needed them soon.

The door opened, making him break his stare from the wall. Michelle slid into the room. He gave her his full attention. He needed to take a break from worrying about things he couldn't change. She sat beside him.

"Heard anything else?" She asked. She had been gone for the first half of the drama.

"Um, not that I know of. I think I can still hear Jimmy breathing hard so I guess he hasn't heard anything either." He answered. Michelle smiled, something Brian wasn't used to anymore. He had barely seen his this entire time. Michelle leaned against the couch and sort of on Brian. He had missed her.

She grabbed his hand lightly and closed her eyes. Even though he doubted it sometimes, he believed she did care about him.

"You need some sleep, Bri. Everyone does. It's been a crazy night." She said. Even though she didn't know the half of it, he agreed. He was beyond tired. He looked at her one more time and vowed to do what he could to make things back to normal again. They weren't horrible, but they didn't have the connection they used to. They could go days without talking much and he didn't like it.

His phone beeped beside him and he picked it up, analyzing it. When he saw Laura's name, he hurriedly opened the message.

I'm at the hospital with Jason. We found Anthony unresponsive and possibly dead. The red head is who Anthony gets drugs from. Not his new girlfriend..

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