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Laura was slowly finishing up her make up. Everyone on the bus was going to some party in the lounge. 

"L.C., you look beautiful, let's go." Val said, rushing her. All the guys were already there and Val and Leana were just 'waiting on Laura'. They were actually using the extra time to their advantage and fixing their hair and make up, and changing dresses. Laura wasn't nearly as fancy as them. They both had somewhat fitted dresses on and lots of make up and their hair done. 

Laura was wearing black skinny jeans and a red plaid shirt with vans and her hair had naturally dried half way in between straight and wavy. She did her make up somewhat natural, but she paired it with red lipstick to vamp it up. Leana and Val weren't waiting for her at the door, so she changed out her purse for her black back pack bag. 

"You whores aren't even ready!" Laura yelled, once she realized they were taking their time and blaming it on her.

"We're coming!" Val yelled back and they soon came to the front. They all walked to the huge building in between all the tour buses and stages. Val and Leana had a little difficulty because of their heels. They had to show many security officers their backstage passes and after going through three doors, they were finally in the VIP lounge. There were so many bands from Coheed and Cambria to Disturbed and Bullet for my Valentine to Seether and then so many more. But out of all of them, Laura could hear Brian as the loudest of them all. 

Laura entered the room and Val immediately went to Matt. Leana tried to stay by her but also brought Jimmy over. He began messing with Laura. 

"There she is!" She heard, in the midst of trying to hit Jimmy away. She was grabbed and pulled to the side of Brian. "Isn't she beautiful?" Brian asked, and she found herself face to face with the lead singer of Bullet for my Valentine.

"Yes, she is." Matt Tuck said, smiling lightly. She wasn't sure wether to stay around Brian or to ditch him for Matt. She looked away as the two of them talked. Brian pulled Laura around with him for a couple hours. She had met a good amount of band members and conversed with a few of them. 

Brian had left her to go get another beer. He decided while he was at the bar, why not get something stronger while waiting for the beer? He asked the pretty bartender for some Jack on the rocks and a beer. She gave him the Jack first and he began sipping that she got his beer, popping the top off. 

"So, you with a band, too?" She asked, resting her face on her palm.

"Yes, I am." He said, proudly. She smiled and leaned in closer, thinking he was playing into her games. 

"Oh, yeah?" She asked, in a lower voice, her eyes flickering down then back up to meet his eyes.

"I might have considered you if you knew which one." He said, smacking the cup to the bar and grabbing the beer, turning around. He didn't bother to look back at her expression. He went to find Laura, who had become his arm prop for the night. 

"Where did Laura go?" Brian asked Val. She looked around. 

"I don't know." Val said, growing alarmed.

"It's okay, I'm sure she's around here." Brian said to keep Val from worrying. Val started looking for Laura. She went over to Leana and asked her. Brian saw Leana point. There was Laura, sitting on the ground behind a coffee table, in the corner on her phone. 

"What the heck are you doing?" Brian asked, sitting on the coffee table in front of her. She put her phone down, giving Brian her attention. 

"I don't know. I'm a little bored." She said. "I'm just in a weird mood. I don't really want to do anything. And I mean, I've been here for a few hours. So, I think I'm going to sneak out." Brian didn't know why but he felt really bummed. 

"See ya later." She said, ruffling his hair and leaving. 


Laura had went to the studio for a while. Sometimes, on tour, Laura felt useless. She either partied all night or laid around all day, so her work was the only thing keeping her sane. She tried to throw herself into it as much as she could. She had spent four hours there since she left the party. 

She was basically finished with everything for that day and all she was thinking about was getting back and watching New Girl or Full House. 

Most everyone was back on the bus, but there were a couple new people there too. She said hello to everyone but wanted to just get to her bunk or the back room and watch things. 

"Oh, hey. You going to the back?" Zacky asked, stopping her.

"I was planning on it. Is there something wrong?" She asked, noticing his worried look.

"Uh, no. I was just wondering. You didn't want to hang out with us?" He asked. 

"Is someone back there?" She asked, not wanting to have this conversation. She looked around and noticed someone was gone. Zacky saw the realization on her face. 

"He brought the bartender back... They just went back there, so I don't think they're doing anything. But, I didn't want you to walk in on it and not know." Zacky said. 

"Thanks." She mumbled. Just then, Brian and the small bartender came from the back. The girl kept walking, but Brian stopped by Zacky so the both of them were blocking her way to the back. She felt sick and her face was hot. She didn't want to be standing in front of Brian, or anywhere around him. She raised a shaky hand and tried to push past both of them to get to the back. Zacky moved, but Brian grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"I was just showing her the bathroom, Laura." He said quietly to her. She wouldn't look at him. She pulled her arm away from him and walked away. She went to the back room, in fear of being closed into her small bunk. She made sure to lock the door so no one could get back there. 

She still turned on the TV and turned it to something funny. She turned it up load and turned her phone off. She threw herself into the shows, but would sometimes feel herself grow sad and upset about the events that happened. She eventually fell asleep after three hours of TV.

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