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Laura was backstage with all the boys. She was trying to spend a little more time with them all. Since Jimmy had apologized, he had done a 180 and she actually liked being around him now. She also felt bad for closing herself off from Zacky, Johnny, and Matt the whole time. And of course, since she was dating Brian now she wanted to be seen with him more. They were still a little awkward around each other, in public. They weren't as bad in private, but they were still weird about kissing and touching. They would hold hands sometimes and put their hand on each others leg, but they had yet to kiss. 

"Hey, Laura. Come here." Jimmy called across the room. She went over there and saw him talking to Corey Taylor of Slipknot and Stone Sour. 

"So, Corey here was telling me how much he likes your music." Jimmy said. 

"Jimmy." She sighed, rolling her eyes. 

"I'm not kidding!" Jimmy yelled. She looked at Corey, trying to detect a smile. He just nodded, agreeing with Jimmy. 

"How have you even heard my music?" She quizzed him.

"You're in like every movie." Corey said, throwing his hands out. 

"Well thank you. I appreciate it." She answered him. 

"You know, I wrote a new song and I think it would sound great with a female voice." Corey told Laura. She looked over at Jimmy, not believing him. 

"She's at the studio almost every day. All you have to do is stop by." Jimmy said.

"I mean, if you're serious, then yeah of course. I can give you my number and we can meet one day." She said. As if magic, Brian popped out of no where as soon as Corey put his number into her phone. He spoke with Jimmy a little longer and then was on his way.

"What was that about?" Brian prodded, lightly. 

"He said theres a song that would go good with a female voice, and he wanted to record it with me." She told him, trying to make his skeptical expression change to excitement. 

"Doesn't he know other women?" Brian asked.

"Brian." Laura nagged. She thought he would be a little happy. "Corey is an amazing singer. And, not to mention, he's been on every radio station you can think of, so if this song goes good, who knows what it will do for me." She told him.

"Yeah, I know. I'm excited for you." Brian said, but Laura did not believe it. He just said it to lighten the mood. They both walked around the VIP room, in silence, but talked to other people.


It had been a couple days, but the time to record had come. Laura had gotten ready and was walking out the door. 

"Where are you going?" Brian asked, coming up beside her.

"The studio. Corey's there and ready to record that song." She didn't even get a chance to see his mood change.

"I'm coming with you." He said, automatically. Laura didn't argue, yet. They arrived together, and Corey was already there in the sound booth. 

"Hey, I'm just warming up a little!" He said, waving as they entered. Laura smiled politely and waved back.

"Brian... You don't have to be here." Laura finally said. 

"Oh, I don't mind." He answered.

"What the hell is wrong? I don't need you babysitting us while we record. Do you not trust me?" She asked, looking at Brian in the eye, waiting for his answer.

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