If you Love me Let me Go

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Even though the entire table had seen Jimmy and Laura's tense situation they weren't sure what was said. They tried to act normal as Jimmy came back and sat next to Leana. 

"I'm sorry." He said to her.

"Don't be. I have all the time to see her." She said, smiling at him, trying to lighten the mood. Brian kept staring where Laura was, thinking maybe she'd come back or she'd be there next time he looked. He looked over at Michelle and noticed she had seen him looking for Laura. She sighed and moved her head towards the door, telling him to go check on her. She knew Laura had a secret, and judging by her and Jimmy's episode it was pretty big. Brian got up from the table and walked outside. Michelle waited until he was out of sight to get up as well.

"We're going to go check on her. She's been really on edge today. But maybe we can all catch up to drink later?" She said. Everyone smiled and nodded as she left.


Brian entered the bus, looking for Laura. He wasn't sure why he cared so much but he could tell she was way more upset now then she was earlier. She looked so anxious and nervous. She had attempted to wear something nice, but her pale face and messy hair screamed that she was disoriented. 

"LC?" He called. She didn't answer so he figured she was hiding in her bunk. He walked back there and saw her curtain closed. "Laura?" He said, sliding back her curtain slowly. She had her head in her hands, sitting up against the wall. "Hey, what happened? What's wrong?" He asked. She looked up, sniffing and running her hair through her hands.

"Brian, please. You've done enough. I'll tell Jimmy tonight. I'll tell him you never knew anything." She said.

"Don't tell him. I don't think it will help anything." He said, taking a seat on her bunk. 

"He was really possessive today." She said after a bit of silence between them two. "I've never seen him like that. I know the reason, but he's long gone." She told him.

"What did he do?" Brian asked, cautiously. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know. He might want to kill him. 

"He was very touchy and I got mad and said some stuff, then he stormed off. When I went to leave he had came back and said he wouldn't leave me and he was here to stay and he..." She paused, not wanting to talk about this. She sighed and continued. "He picked me up and took me to the back. I tried to leave but he wouldn't move out the way." Brian tensed up, expecting the worst. His skin was beginning to get warm, thinking he already knew the rest. 

"He grabbed me and tried to hold me down but I kneed him. I went to get away but he pulled me down. I did whatever I could to get him off of me and then I ran for it." She said, sniffing again and wiping away some tears before they fell. 

"What did Jimmy say to you?" Brian asked, not knowing what to say or ask or how to even respond to things.

"He told me I was being selfish and only thinking about myself for showing up late. I'm sure he'll ask what's been going on with me lately." She said.

"Don't tell him. Just tell him you and Anthony have been fighting. If you tell him it would break his heart." Brian said. He knew that all five of them had experimented with drugs from time to time, but they hadn't went on a five month heroine binge. But he could tell she was done with it and if she was done there was no need in dragging everyone into it. It would only hurt Jimmy and then make everyone treat Laura like a child and never give her space. 

"He's breaking my heart." She said, wiping away more tears. Brian knew she wasn't talking about Jimmy. 

"Is it over? Should I fire him and make him leave?" Brian asked. 

"I don't know." She said, shaking her head and covering her face with her hands. 

"Let's go get you something to eat." Brian said, making her get up and follow him. He got them to a restaurant and got her to order something healthy and filling. 

"Can I go to the bathroom?" She asked, saying something for the first time since they left. It hurt him that she was so broken that she asked someone if she could go. The old Laura would have done whatever she wanted. He nodded and she sauntered to the restrooms. He took that time to call Michelle.

"Hello?" She answered. 

"Hey. Sorry for leaving like that. I finally got her calmed down and we're getting her something to eat. I think Anthony was kind of touchy with her tonight." Brian explained. He knew she would tell Jimmy that and everyone would find out. 

"Okay. Are you going to take her back after you eat?" Michelle asked. She had a certain tone in her voice but it wasn't jealousy. He didn't want to upset her so he had to tread lightly with his answers.

"Yeah. I think she needs some sleep. Tell Jimmy sorry. I don't think she's up for going out tonight. Maybe everyone could come back and relax together. If not and they still want to go out they can. I don't want her being alone until something is done about Anthony." He explained.

"Okay. I'll see what they want to do and let you know." She answered. They wrapped up their phone call just as Laura was coming out. He let her eat in silence. She didn't even finish half of it but she did get the rest to go. He took them back to the bus. Laura went to the back room to sleep on the bigger couch and not be confined to the bunk space. She curled up and fell asleep pretty quickly. 

Brian began answering e-mails and things while he had a little bit of time. That was cut short when Michelle walked in.

"Hey, I didn't know you were on the way." He said, standing up and kissing her cheek. 

"Yeah. They're all headed back, too. They'll be here in a bit." She said. "How is she?" She asked.

"She curled up on the couch as soon as we got back." He answered. 

"Hey, hey." Zacky said, coming onto the bus with everyone else. 

"Is she in the back?" Jimmy asked. Brian nodded. Leana followed Jimmy back there; she didn't want him to get upset at his sister again. They found her on the back couch in a little human ball. "Laura?" He asked waking her up. She sat up, looking at him with sad, tired eyes. 

"Are you still mad?" She asked, tiredly. 

"I want to talk about it." He answered. She could tell he was actually there to talk about what happened. 

"I'm sorry I was late. I got in a fight with Anthony. But he tried to keep me there." She said.

"He tried to keep you there? How?" He asked.

"He uh, he picked me up and took me to the back and he tried to hold my arms to keep me there. Then he pulled me onto the ground with him and tried to restrain me." She said, skipping over a lot of detail, her mind going everywhere. 

"Whoa, whoa, what?" He asked. He was trying to keep calm, but he also wanted to know what had happened. She just shook her head.

"I just... I got out is all." She replied. He could tell she was shutting down and didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Are you done with him?" He asked. 

"I can't go back." She told him. He patted her on the back, trying to comfort her. 

"Go back to sleep. You need it." He said. She sniffed again, wiping away the water from her face. She got up and he followed. She crawled in her bunk, shutting the curtain and going to sleep. 

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