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Laura had been avoiding Brian all day. Luckily, Matt scolded them for not practicing more, so they were all doing so now. Since they were gone, Laura was aloud to lounge around all day in a mood. Leana and Val had heard a little bit of gossip about what was going on, but they weren't exactly sure what happened. They just kept walking by, giving her apologetic looks. 

She wasn't sure when Brian would be back, so she got off the couch and threw on a presentable outfit, and a little bit of make up. She grabbed her bag and walked off the bus. She wasn't sure where to go, but she just didn't want to face him. She figured she could at least go to the mall for a bit and maybe to some other shops just to kill some time.

"L.C!" Matt yelled behind her. She whipped around and saw all the guys. Most of them filed onto the tour bus. Except for one. The one she didn't want to see. He was making his way over to her. The guys had stopped at the door and were watching. 

"Will you talk to me now?" Brian asked, already putting Laura in a bad mood. He was the one at fault; he could have approached her better. 

"There's not really much to talk about. It doesn't matter." She said, trying to walk away.

"Come on, Laura. Don't act lik- obviously you're upset and I want to address it." He said, stepping in front of her to stop her. She wouldn't look  at him, again, and her eyes flickered to the bus. The other guys noticed and they all pushed each other inside. She looked back at him and didn't say anything for a while.

"I don't know what you expect me to say."  She finally said. Brian let out a breath of air. 

"I want you to tell me how you're feeling, Laura." Brian said, frustrated. "You always keep things in and expect me to just know, but I can't read your fucking mind." Brian said.

"Why does it matter what I'm feeling when you're just going to act however you want, without regards to anyone's feelings?" Laura shot back. 

"Laura... If you just had the balls to tell me you like me then none of this would happen." Brian sighed. He knew it would get a reaction out of her and she would yell whatever she was thinking at him.

"Oh, it's all my fault? Maybe if you didn't have balls you could keep your dick in your pants long enough for me to tell you!" Laura yelled back; she swore she heard someone laugh from the bus. If they were listening to this she would kill them.

"I haven't done anything with anyone. I literally just showed her the bathroom, like I told you. But, if I would have done something with her, there would be nothing wrong with that, since you've never told me that you like me. I can't wait a hundred years for you to finally tell me." He said.

"What makes you so sure that I like you?" She barely had gotten it out before Brian started talking.

"Fine, don't fucking say anything when I bring girls back now. I've put myself out there for you and I've tried to do whatever I could to make you comfortable enough to tell me." Brian said.

"What have you really done, Brian? Make moves on me when you're drunk. What do you really want me to do?" Laura asked, looking at the ground.

"I just want you to tell me so I don't look like a jackass. If you don't want to be with me, that's fine. Just tell me so I'll leave you alone and won't try to impress you all day long." Brian said. Laura didn't say anything. She was on the verge of crying because she hated confrontation and this was way too real for her. Brian sighed and shook his head, walking back to the bus.

"Brian." She called. He stopped and looked at her. "I- I can't get hurt again. And this is hard." She said, using her long sleeve to wipe tears from her eyes. "All we do is fight already and-" She went on.

"Do you want to be with me?" He asked, cutting her off. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. She found a broken 'yeah' and let it come out. She nodded a little just to confirm what she had said. "Then none of that matters. Just tell me what you're thinking and I'll do everything I can to make sure you're happy. But please, don't keep it in. I want to know when you're upset about something." Brian said and she nodded, a few more tears falling. 

"Stop, come on. Don't be sad." He said, stepping closer to her. She sniffled and looked up at him, making eye contact.

"I'm not going to have one of those relationships, Brian. If it's not a good one then I'm out. I'm not sticking around just to get hurt, again." She said. She had stopped crying for the moment and he could tell she was very serious.

"Damn, give me a chance before you write me off, babe." Brian said, trying to lighten up the mood. 

"I'm just letting you know." She looked down. He didn't do anything for a second. But then he moved close and grabbed her face, gently making her look up at him. 

"Look, I want to be with you, very badly. And I hope you want to be with me just as bad. And we haven't even given this a try yet, but if we work at it, we can make it work. Just give me a chance to show you how I really am." He said.

"I will." She nodded. Brian awkwardly hugged her, but she reacted. He helped her up and they walked into the bus. 

Everyone had decided to go eat, so they went along. They sat by each other and talked quietly among themselves. Everyone was wondering what had happened, but Laura didn't seem to be in the mood, so no one asked.

When they got back, Laura went off to her bunk and fell asleep watching things on her laptop. Brian stayed in the living room for a while. Everyone was waiting to see if he would go back there and sleep with her. Eventually, everyone started drifting off, and one by one, they retreated to their bunk. 

Brian had stayed up past all of them, and was still going. He kept thinking about things and about Laura. Brian jumped when he heard something at the door way. Then he saw Laura. Even though she looked like she just woke up, her eyes were wide. Brian's eyes were drooping with sleepiness. 

"Why are you still up?" She asked. He just shrugged and lifted his arm for her to crawl under. She leaned against him, curled up. 

"Are you okay?" He asked her, rubbing her back. He knew she had been upset today, and she wasn't talking much at dinner either. She mumbled a 'mhum' and seemed to be falling back to sleep. Brian laid back on the couch so she could stretch out. He played with her hair a little as he kept watching TV. He felt his eyes get heavy, but he was interested in what was on. Also, he didn't want to wake Laura up when he moved, and he didn't want to get up. His blinks were getting longer, and eventually his eyes were closed more than they were open. 

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