Chapter 2

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A/N Hey guys! This pic has NOTHING to do with the story but IM FREAKIN IN LOVE WITH IT. Well, time for the second disaster!
(Natsu's POV)
Lucy and I arrived at the guild and I noticed everyone was excited for some odd reason. Maybe Popsicle broke his stripping habit. Ha! That'll be the day cats fly!
       We walked in with Happy behind us and sat down at a table. "Lu-chan!" I heard Lucy's best friend- right next to me, of course- yell. "Lu-chan, did you hear? Master has something very important to tell us!" Levy informed us excitedly. "I just hope it doesn't have anything to do with Natsu destroying another town on our last mission....." Lucy said. "Hey! In my defense Stripper did as much damage as me!" I defended. Just then master walked on stage. 

    "Listen up brats! As a reward for the Grand Magic Games I have made reservations to the most expensive resort in all of Fiore!" Gramps exclaimed. Everyone started cheering quit loudly. Well, it is pretty awesome news. "We will be leaving tomorrow at 8 a.m, so don't be late!" Master continued. " We will be taking cars to the reso-" he was cut off by Gajeel groaning and me starting to puke just think about riding those death machines. Mira turned to one of her Satan souls and gave us a death glare meaning "shut up if you want to live to go to the resort". Gajeel and I gulped and stopped. "As I was saying we will be taking cars. Mira has a list of who will be in each car. We will announce the names tomorrow. We'll be staying at the resort for 7 days, and in the third day there will be a ball, so pack formal clothing. That is all. I will see you brats tomorrow." With that, master turned around and walked off stage.

      "Well, i think I'm gonna be heading home now. Bye Natsu, Levy." Lucy waved and left. "Happy, let's go too. Its getting pretty late." By the looks of it, it is almost midnight. Wow, time really does fly by fast. It feels like only yesterday I was bringing Lucy to the guild for the first time. I remember taking her hand and running away from those guards after I defeated that 'salamander' creep. That was the greatest day of my life. Meeting a beautiful girl who later joined the guild. I have loved Lucg since then, but I didn't realize it till Minerva almost killed Lucy during the GMG's. "Um Natsu? Are you okay?" Happy asked me. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked. "Well, because I was talking about food and you didn't seem to be listening. And when it comes to food you're ALWAYS listening." Happy explained. "Oh, gomen. I was just thinking."  I apologized. "Oh no! Natsu you shouldn't do that! You might hurt your brain!" Happy said worriedly. "Haha. Very funny, Happy" " What?! I was being serious! Say what were you thinking about anyways?" Happy inquired." Oh, nothing. Nothing at all" I answered. Nothing at all.
Second chapter: ✔
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I do not own fairy tail
I wish.....

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