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Levy's POV

     I sit on the swing on my front porch, staring off into the distance. I feel the swing shake a little before a large figure sits next to me. "You know, you can't just sit here doing nothing all day." I turn to Gajeel and smile slightly.

     "I know. It's just, it's been 20 years." I state, looking back out to the field.

     "Yeah, and you don't even need a calendar for that. You can just look at a picture of you back then and compare it to you now. You have gone almost completely gray!!" Gajeel chuckles and ruffles my hair as I cross my arms and puff out my cheeks.

    "A marriage and two children later and you're still this childish." Gajeel sighs and stands up. "Welp. I'll leave you to it then."

     I continue to stare, drifting off into my own daydream. "Levy!!!" I hear, pulling me out of my daydream. I see a small puff of dust coming from down the dirt road. I squint, trying to figure out who it is. It must be Jet. I think to myself. Before I know it, he's standing on my porch, out of breath.

     "Ze-zeref... He's back.... Somehow... Attacked.... Guild..." Jet explains, taking breaks in between each word to breathe.

     "What? But how? Didn't we kill him last time?" I ask, taken back a little.

     Jet shrugs. "I don't know. I didn't see much before I came to get you."

     "What's going on?" The screen door to my house opens as Gajeel steps out.

     "Zeref's back and he attacked the guild." Jet explains.

     "You get back to the guild. We'll meet you there." Gajeel runs back into the house. Jet nods and sprints down the road again. I run into the house and grab to orange head band. I grab Lucy's keys and left my room.

     When Lucy died, her spirits appeared and explained that since no one had killed her, they had no one that they HAD to go to. So they chose Natsu. But he didn't want them, saying that they would be to much of a memory of his late wife. So they became mine and I taught myself Celestial magic. When I had my two children, I taught them how to use the keys in case of an emergency.

     "Here." I shoved Aries and Virgo's keys into my childrens hand as Gajeel lifted the hatch under the rug in the living room.

     "But where are you and Papa going?" Gale asks, reluctantly stepping into the dark cellar.

     "When will you be back?" Lucy asks, giving me a hug.

    "I don't know. But I don't want you to leave the cellar until either Virgo or Aries opens their gates and says it's safe to. Ok?" I kiss them goodbye as run out the door. Gajeel throws me over his shoulders and starts running towards the guild hall.

     When we got there, everything was destroyed. Everyone was standing on the rubble, Fairy Tail on one half and Zeref with his army on the other. The entire army was wearing the same armor except for 12 that stood directly behind Zeref (One of them looked strangely like Erza).

     Natsu, standing face to face with Zeref, burst out into laughter. All of our fighting stances broke as we stared at Natsu as if he was retarded, even Zeref with his army.

     "You think this is funny, ash-for-brains?!" Gray yells.

     "No. I just thought he would've learned his lesson."

     "What lesson?" Zeref asked.

     Natsu looked at the ground, a dark aura surrounding him. He lights his hands on fire and lifts one into the sky, his thumb and index finger sticking out. We all follow his lead.

     He pulled his hand down and formed it into a fist. He lunged and Zeref, punching him in the face before he could retaliate. He goes flying back a few feet, knocking over some soldiers.

     "You don't piss off the fairies."


THE END!! I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED READING MY BOOK AS MUCH AS I ENJOYED WRITING IT!! You don't realize how greatful I am for all of you. I know, I went months upon months without updating several times, but many of you stuck around! Thank you!! Goodbye, my fairies! Until the next one, I bid you adieu.

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