Chapter 22

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A/N Hola peeps! I'm writing this at 10:25 pm on a school night because I can't sleep, although I should be. Instead of sleeping, I am up, writing a chapter of a book about animated characters..... Man I have a sad life...
(Erza's POV)
I walked into the infirmary and placed Natsu on one of the beds far away for Lisanna and Juvia.

I walked up to the rest of the group that was crowding around Mira. I pushed through to see my childhood rival. When I reached her, I saw that she looks awful. Her skin is pale and she was breathing slowly. Wendy was running every which way, trying to heal Mira. We were all silent, knowing that she needs to concentrate.

Finally, Mira's skin regained some color and she started breathing at a normal rate. Wendy turned to Laxus, sweat overing her grim face.

"Laxus, I was barely able to save her, but the babies might not have all survived." Wendy said as a tear rolled down her face.

"NANI?!?!?!?!?" Everyone but Laxus and Wendy screamed. The two turned to us and awkwardly smiled.

"Surprise?" They asked or whatever.

"No, they're still alive. I feel them. I talked to them." We heard a soft voice behind us say. We turned to Mira and saw her sitting up, slightly smiling.

"Mira!!" We all yelled. We saw her soul leave her body as Laxus gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Laxus.... N-no... Air....." She wheezed.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!!!" Laxus quickly backed away, feeling the dark aura that belonged to Elfman.

"Mira! You're awake! But what did you mean when you said, 'I talked to them' ?" Wendy asked as she went to heal Lisanna. Mira looked nervously at Lisanna and Juvia, and then her eyes shifted to Natsu on the other side of the room.

"We'll explain later. Now tell us what you meant." I demanded.

Mira sighed and then poked her belly. "I almost died. I'm assuming that was before we got to the guild. Right before I died, eight figures appeared in my head. They looked about 12 and they all liked alike, besides the fact that half of them were girls and the other half were boys.

"They were yelling at me. Telling me not to die because I had a family to care for. They the of I died, they would also die and Laxus would be forever alone.

"So I did what they said. I got in a big argument with the Grim Reaper, but I eventually won because he was scared of my Halphas form." Mira explained.

We all stared at her, pur jaws almost touching the ground. Wendy walked up to Mira and forced her to lie back down. She then grabbed some pills from a cupboard.

"Uhhhh, Wendy? What are those? How do you know they won't hurt he babies?" Mira asked nervously, backing away from Wendy.

"Shhhhhhhh. Mira, it's OK. We understand that you don't want to believe that your babies died, but you've gone absolutely insane." Wendy said quietly as she wwawlked towards Mira.

All of the sudden, a dark figure appeared in the room. We all got into our fighting stances. I pointed my sword at the cloaked man and yelled, "W o ate you and what budsiness do you have here?!" The man just laughed and pulled down his cloak to reveal............

a man I've NEVER seen in my entire life. He looked strange; it was as if his face was a skull.

"Grim!" Mira yelled happily.

"Mira! Good to see ya! I just came to tell these lunatics, I mean your friends, that you aren't lying. Now if you will excuse me, Billy and Mandy need my help right now." And then he was gone.

Thought that whole conversation, Wendy and Evergreen had fainted, Freed was on the floor, his face contorted for confusion, and Eldman had been knocked out, due to using so much energy. Bickslow wasn't even paying attention. He was kneeling next to Lisanna and just ... Petting her head... ..... I burst out laughing for no reason and continued laughing, even though everyone was giving me wwekrd looks. I saw out of the corner of my eye Wendy slowly walking up to me, pills in hand. I still laughed, nonetheless. Eventually, Mkra started laughing. Then Laxus, then Evergreen, and then everyone else. Then we heard another laugh that came from a voice I never thought I'd hear again. We all stopped laughing and slowly looked up to see where to source of the voice was coming from. I saw a man thatbme boyfriend beat up oh-so long ago.

Ryan Cecrest , erm... I mean...... Ryan.

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