Chapter 13

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A/N OH MY MAVIS!!!!!!!!!!! THIS BOOK HAS GOTTEN 200+ READS!!!! YAY!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUU!!!! You all are amazing but there is one person that I would like to say thank you to the most. AuroraAngel900 you are amazing. Thank you for the compliments you give and for reading my book. You are truly amazing. Everybody else, you're all amazing as well. For now on if someone comments in my book if I'm not already following you I will. That's how much you all mean to me. Thank you. Enjoy!

(Levy's POV)
Lucy and I looked at Mavis wide-eyed. I didn't even know it was possible for her to be unconscious. I slowly lifted her up off the ground and brought her over to a small pile of hay in the back corner of the room. We were wiping off her dress when we heard a male voice say, " when they put her in here were they gentle?" I turned around and trembled in fear. It was Zeref. He was looking at the ground, guilt in his eyes. EHHHHHH?! Zeref, the Black Wizard, can feel guilty?!? I need a second to think about this.

"No, the just threw her in here like a piece of trash." Lucy said, not looking in his direction. After she said that a dark aura surrounded Zeref and he growled. He walked away and came back seconds later with a wet rag.

"Get away. Go to the other side." He ordered. Lucy and I nodded in fear and scurried over to the other side. It appeared he was washing the dirt off her face and cleaning her cuts. After a few minutes he pulled out Lucy's whip. He turned around around to face us and said, " when she wakes up you put these on her or else." He threw a pair of chains like me and Lucy's and cracked the whip. He teleported out of the cell to who knows where. Once he was gone Lucy and I crawled over to Mavis. We looked at her now cleaned face and noticed all her cuts and bruises were gone.

She started mumbling and sat straight up with opened eyes. "ZEREF NO!!!!!" She yelled and started crying. "Shhhhh shhhhh. It's ok. It's ok." Lucy comforted her as I put on the cuffs. She didn't even notice and hugged Lucy. The chains hook onto our feet so our hands are free, but if we try anything both Minerva and Zeref can control us through the chains. Mavis pulled me into the hug and we sat like that for a good 5 minutes. When we finally pulled apart our faces were tear stricken. Mavis looked around the room and laughed a little.

"So this is where I'm going to be staying. My bedroom."

(Natsu's POV)
I turned the corner and came face to face with Minerva. She grinned evily at us and I punched her in the jaw in response. She stumbled backwards and put her hand to her face.

"It's not very gentlemanly of you to hit a girl." She sneered as she stood back up. I grabbed her by the front of her dress and lifted her in the air.

"Where are they?" I asked in a stern tone.

"Where are who?" She asked and started laughing.

"D@MÑ IT WHERE ARE THEY?!?!?!?" I yelled and threw her down the hall. She stood back up but this time she looked angry. She held out her hand and a black and green orb appeared. She fired it at me and I jumped out of the way, barely dodging it. I yelled a spell mid-air.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!" The attack would have hit her but a black figure appeared out of nowhere and pulled her to the side. When the fire died down we looked to the side and saw a guy in black with a dark aura around him pinning Minerva to the wall. She trembled in fear. We all went pale when we realized who it was.

"Zeref......" Mira whispered. He paid no attention to us and started slapping and punching the girl against the wall.

"HOW DARE YOU TREAT MAVIS LIKE TRASH!!!! MY SPECIFIC ORDERS WERE FOR HER NOT TO GET HURT!!!!!!!!! DO YOU EVER LISTEN YOU SPOILED BRAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" He shouted as he continued beating her. He pulled out a whip that looked awfully familiar. I looked closer and realized what it was.

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