Chapter 16

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A/N Hey guys! I finally got my stuff back and had the time to write this chapter! I'm not gonna make a big deal about this but.... THIS BOOK HAS GOTTEN 450 READS! Well, I hope y'all like this chapter. It's special to me. Not sure why tho....

I woke up but kept my eyes closed, not wanting to be awake. Natsu, wake up! There's a surprise! A small version of me with white wings and a halo appeared in my mind. No, Natsu. Stay asleep. It's only 7 am. Another mini me showed up but was wearing red pants, red converse, a red shirt, and devil horns. No Natsu. Wake up. It might be food. The angel glared at the demon. Ya know, he's right. WAKE UP NATSU!!!!!!!!!

My eyes fluttered open and I felt something on my chest. I looked down and saw a head covered in blonde hair. Luce. "NANI?!?!?!" I screeched. Why. The. Crap. Is. She. Lying. On. My. Sexy. Abs?!?!?!?!? I tried getting her off of me but SHE'S SO HEAVY!!!!

"Wha?" Lucy's eyes slowly opened and she saw the scene in front of her. "EHHHHH?!?!?!" She yelled and we jumped out of bed in synch, but on opposite sides. I could see in the mirror behind her that my face was pale, but Lucy's face was a color that could put Erza's hair to shame. We stared at each other in embarrassment for a long time until she spoke up.

"We never speak of this again. Ok?" I nodded in agreement and looked at the floor with a disappointed face. I don't know why I yelled. I wanted to just sit there, cuddling with Luce.

All of the sudden we hear laughter and Happy and Ice Pervert step out of the bathroom with a phone. "That *laugh* was *laugh* PRICELESS!!!" Happy exclaimed and fell on the floor laughing.

"That's going on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and the Nalu can climb website." Stripper said and showed us the video he took.

"Gray, you wouldn't!" Luce said with steam coming out of her ears. I lit my hands on fire and charged at Ice Freak. I tried punching him but he stepped out of the way and I accidentally punched.......

"ERZA?!?!?!?!?!?" I yelled and ran to hide behind Luce. I peeked to see if the demon was angry. She was, but not because I punched her. She had looked angry right before I punched her.

"H-hi Erza! I d-didn't know you were h-h-here!" Lucy said, her face getting redder.

"Yup. Happy came to get me and Gray early this morning and showed us you two. While Happy and Gray were laughing and video typing it, I was plotting my revenge on Natsu for molesting one of my dearest friends." Erza walked closer and cracked her knuckles. I started crying in fear and tried running away but she caught me. I stared at her in fear as she lifted my into the air by the front of my shirt. Lucy and Happy looked horrified while Gay laughed his butt off. Once I'm done with this he'll get his ass whooped.

"N-n-no Erza-san! He d-d-did'nt do anything! I-it was an accident!" Lucy exclaimed and tried pulling me down with no luck.

"Oh, so it was an 'accident' that you woke up in his arms with your face against his bare chest?" Erza ed her arm back, ready to punch me.

"I'M SORRY NATSU!! I DIDN'T MEAN FOR THIS TO HAPPEN!!" Happy yelled and sulked in the corner. Erza's first collided with my face and I fell to the floor. I noticed that Stripper was gone.

"Hey, guys. Where's-" I was cut off by the door bursting open and Mira, Levy, Wendy, Carla,Juvia, and Lisanna running in with Laxus, Gajeel, and Ice Pervert following.

"NATSU HOW DARE YOU TOUCH LU-CHAN THAT WAY!?!?!?!?!!! SOLID SCRIPT: IRON!!!" Levy yelled and iron fell on my head.

" NATSU IM THE PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER OF THE NALU FAN CLUB BUT THAT'S TAKING IT TOO FAR!!!!!!" Mira yelled whilst turned to Satan Soul and punching me where the sun don't shine.

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