Chapter 25

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OK it's literally been forever since I last updated. Much sorrys. I promise to update more. I've just been all kinds of stressed these last few months with my mom attempting suicide, my parents getting divorced, my girlfriend attempting suicide, convincing one of my good friend that suicide is a terrible option, while dealing with my own depression all it once. Sounds fun, don't it. Well, here's the chapter you all have been waiting for!!!! Damn, I forgot how good it felt to write.

      3rd person POV
     "You must die."

      Malachite twirled, creating a strong gust of wind that blew the team away. As they started making their way back, ready to fight, the blond kicked the air, making the fairies clutch their stomachs as if her foot actually made contact with them.

     "Fire dragon TALON" Natsu yelled as he fell from the sky. Right before his foot left a crater in Malachite's face, she lifted her arm and stopped him with her bare hand.

     The fight went on like this for a while; the demon lady beating them up without touching them, everyone throwing attacks at her but being stopped with the snap of her fingers, yadda yadda yadda.

     Finally, Gajeel's iron club met her face and launched her back. Everyone watched as the dust cleared to see what the damage was.

     "Hehehehe! That tickled!" Malachite giggled as she sauntered out of the dust, unaffected by the attack.

     "But now I'm angry" she said with a deep, demonic voice. She moved her arms out the the side. As tentacles made out of wind appeared and wrapped themselves around the worn-out wizards legs, she started spinning.

      The fairies tried not to hard as the kept spinning around and around, faster and faster, especially the dragonslayers. As Natsu released his lunch, Gajeel caught sight of the book Levy was reading earlier sitting on the ground, only a few feet away from them.

     'if I could only break free and grab it' he thought to himself as he held down the vomit making its way up his throat. He turned his arms into a sword and tried slicing the air. Of course, because it is literally oxygen, his iron did nothing. "Shit." He muttered.

      He managed to turn his head to see who was behind him, hoping it was Wendy. And of course, it was, but she was pale faced and knocked out.

      "Planning a little rebellion, are you Gajeel?" He heard that sickly sweet voice say. He turned up to see Malachite looking at him. "Well it's no use. You can't break free of my magics grip. The only person that probably could is knocked out. You're doomed." She cackled as she started walking towards a big rock, planning to smash their heads into it, which will, innevitabley, kill them, and Gajeel was going to be first.

     Right before he met his doom, they suddenly stopped and fell to the ground. He looked up to see Chelia sucking in all the air and all of Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel, and Blue Pegasus around them.

      Everybody stood up as they got into fighting stances. Malachite put on a terrified expression and started crying. "P-p-please don't k-kill m-me!" She yelled as she crouched down, hugging her knees. Then she started laughing and stood back up, still crying but from laughter.

      "You think you can defeat me? HA! You guys are hilarious." She laughed. Everyone but Gajeel attacked her all at once, the Demon easily blocking their attacks.

     Gajeel took his chance and sprinted to the book. The second he picked it up, Malachite whipped her head in his direction.

      "NOOOOO!!!" She screamed as he opened it. She fell to the ground, shaking as darkness riped her body apart. A bright light was then emitted from her, so bright they had to turn away.

     As the light cleared, they saw two familiar figures lying on the ground with one other in between them.

      "Ahhh.... Crap..... I have to actually do something." Zeref sighed and rolled his eyes. He stepped over the two women on the ground and walked over to Gajeel and Natsu. They tried to move to attack, they all did, but they couldn't move.

      Zeref grabbed the two men by the neck, his squeeze getting tighter and tighter. Everyone remained still, having to watch their nakama die right in front of them.

      The two purple faced men clawed at the dark wizards hands, trying to remove his hands finding no success. They were about to be dead when Zeref felt a sharp pain in his back.

     "Ahhh!" He yelled as he stumbled backwards, dropping the two men. He turned and saw Levy and Lucy behind him, weak but still powerful.

     They held each other's hand and lifted their arms into the sky and closed their eyes. Lights swirled all around them.

    "No... It can't be...." Zeref's eyes widened as the light grew brighter.

       "So this is the true power of Layla Heartfilia. Amazing." The two wizards opened their eyes and smirked.

     "Don't touch my husband." Lucy stated before they threw their conjoined arm forward, shooting magical shit at Zeref (no not drugs).

     Everyone watched in awe, Natsu's face bright red as he stared at the blond goddess that just called him her husband.

     As the dust and light cleared away, they saw Zeref lying on the ground, completely still. "I would fight to get up, but it would be no use. You have clearly defeated me. For good. That and I'm too lazy. But none of you with survive." Zeref chuckled to himself.

     "What the fudge nuggets does that mean?" Mira yelled from the crowd.

     "Remember that curse I have?" Zeref sat up but remained siting. "Yeah well, I may have gained control over the random death thing, but when I die, all living things within a 1000000 foot radius of me will die, which you'll never make it past in time to survive, even with teleportation as I am about to die in 3...2...1..."

     It all moved in slow motion. Zeref smirking as darkness erupted from his body. Lucy and Levy jumping on top of him. Gajeel and Natsu yelled and reached their arms out to their soul mates.

     The females screamed as the absorbed all the darkness. Once in was all gone, they got blown away by the force that came with the magic. Their lovers raced across the 1,000 acre land, getting to the end just as Lucy hit the ground. Gajeel was able to catch Levy but Lucy had been moving faster, so they were unable to catch her.

     The girls had no heart beat.

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