Chapter 7

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A/N Hey guys! I realized that j haven't been putting in different paragraphs and no one likes reading a brick so I, Erin Linton, solemnly swear to always separate the chapters in paragraphs. The end. I don't have much to say except that I start school in 3 days . Well, I hope you like this chapter!
(Lucy's POV)
I slowly peeled my eyes open and saw Happy at the foot of my bed playing with Plue. Wait, how did he get here? "Hi Happy! Hi Plue! Um how did he get here?" I asked Happy

"I was waiting for you to wake up and I was really bored and then he just showed up. He told me he's using his own magic." Happy explained and went back to weirdly dancing with Plue. I laughed a little and swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

"Happy I'm going to take a shower. Don't bother me." I said while taking some clothes out of the dresser.

"Aye!" Happy said, not really paying attention. I smiled at him and walked into the bathroom. I my dress hanging on the door and remembered the events of last night. Going to the arcade with everyone, Natsu asking me to be his date to the ball tonight, me saying yes. Ahh, I can't wait for tonight. I smiled to myself and got into the shower. As the water ran down my face I started thinking about the dance. I wonder what everyone will be wearing. Mira told us not to show anyone what we are going to wear so it will be a surprise.

I got out of the shower a dried off. I put on a green tank top and a brown skirt, along with my belt with my keys and whip on it. I wiped the steam off the mirror and put on a little bit of make-up and fixed my hair. I smiled at myself in the mirror liking what I see. I took one good look at myself making sure everything was alright and walked out of the bathroom. I sweat dropped when I saw Happy and Plue STILL dancing. They both fell down all worn out and Plue went back to the spirit world. I picked up Happy and carried him out of my room. I went down stairs and found Mira making French toast and maple sausage.

"Mmmmm it smells good Mira!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, thank you Lucy! Can you go get the boys?" She asked. I nodded and walked across the hall to the boy's room. I knocked on the door and Gajeel opened it, still in his pajamas.

"Mira said for you guys to get dressed and come over now." I told him giving him a stern look.

"Why should we?" He asked being the idiot he is. I'm telling you, the more time these people spend with Natsu the dumber they get.

"Well, 1) because Mira said so and two," I paused and ran past Gajeel. "FOOD!!!" I yelled and ran out as fast as I could soon wouldn't be trampled. I slammed the door behind me and locked it. A second later they were pounding on the door.

"WHERE'S THE FOOD?!?!?!" They all asked/yelled.

"GET DRESSED AND THEN YOU CAN EAT!" Mira yelled before I could answer. The pounding stopped and I heard their door close. I unlocked our door and backed away. As predicted they a came barging in and looked around for the food. Laxus just sat staring at them with an amused face.

"Don't you idiots think the food would be, oh I don't know, IN THE KITCHEN?!" Laxus asked. They all looked at him dumbfounded and ran into the kitchen, only to be stopped by Mira.

"Nope. Go to the table and wait patiently." She said. The all pouted and walked to the table where everyone else was. I helped Mira bring the food over to the table. We sat down and began eating. Sometimes I wonder how Natsu is not obese because he ate 2 servings in 30 seconds. He tried getting more but Erza stopped him.

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