Chapter 24

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     (Spoiler: FIGHT SCENE!!!)
(3rd POV)
     The two monsters continued to stare at the team with their red and purple eyes. Lucy's eyes flashed brown and she smiled when she saw Natsu, but her eyes immediately turned red and she scowled.

     "L-lucy? Is that you?" Natsu asked, slowly walking up to his mate. Her eyes once again turned brown.

     "Natsu..." She looked at the ground as one of her eyes turned red. "Run." she whispered as her other eye turned red. She raised her arm and murmered some words. They must have been bad because all of the dragon slayers started backing up. All of the sudden, the sky turned red. All the while, Levy was just sitting, reading a book.

     Red tornadoes popped up all around them, completely encageing the unfortunate wizards. They slowly started getting closer.

      "Don't worry guys! Tornadoes are my specialty! She just gave me more energy!!!" Wendy started sucking in the tornadoes.

     The tornadoes were now gone, but Lucy was laughing. "Do you really think I would be dumb enough to use wind against a Sky Dragon Slayer? Hahahaha!" The possessed Lucy doubled over in laughter as Wendy clutched her stomach.

      "G-guys.... I don't feel so... Well....." A green faces Wendy said as she fell down face first. 

      "Wendy!!!" Erza yelled as she ran over to the teen.
Meanwhile with Levy

     While the others were dealing with Wendy, Gajeel walked up to Levy.
      "Hey, Levy. I don't know if you can hear me, or even if this new you notices my presence. But I do know you're in there and that a part of you is fight. Stay strong. Win this battle." Gajeel stood in front the the petite bookworm. She glanced up at him with her purple eyes and rolled them.

      "C'mon, Levy! Come back to me! Please, Shrimp..."

     Levy slammed her book shut and looked up at Gajeel. She tossed her book to the side and stood up. She climbed onto the tree stump she was sitting on once she realized she was half Gajeel's size.

     "Look at me, mister." Levy looked him dead in the eye. She lifted her arms and words came out of the ground and formed purple arms.
      "My names not 'Shrimp'." She flung her arms forward, making the word arms move as well.

         She started moving her arms around, trying to hit Gajeel, but he kept jumping over the arms. Eventually, Levy got tired and went back to reading her book.

     "Tsk..." Gajeel sat down and frowned in annoyance. After a while, he stood back up and brushed himself off.

     "Sorry, Levy. Iron Dragon ROOOOOAAAAAAAR!" The attack was headed straight for Levy; it was sure to hit her. But, of course, it didn't. Right before it hit her, she raised one of her arms and formed a bubble around her, making the roar go back to Gajeel like a boomerang. And let's not forget, she's still reading her book.

     'What's up with that book? If I could only get  a small glance....' Gajeel thought as he doged his own attack. He saw out of the corner of his eye that his friends were in trouble. They were surrounded by tornados while evil bunny girl laughed her head off. He was about to run to save them when the tornadoes disappeared. He shrugged it off and went to sit next to Levy.

     He plopped down next to her and stared at her. She looked up at him and rolled her eyes before going back to the book. Gajeel stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked around, whistling one or the songs he wrote. He leaned over slightly, trying to see Levy's book. She closed the book before he could get a look and looked at him with an annoyed expression. She stood up and walked to a different tree stump. As she was walking away, Gajeel heard he mutter.

     "Rude." She whispered.

     "Tsk. You're the one being rude, pipe squeak." Gajeel retorted.

     Levy looked Gajeel dead in the eye. Gajeel watched as her eyes turned brown. "G-gajeel?" She jumped off the tree stump and started walking towards the bulky man in front of her.

     "Levy! You're bac-" Gajeel was cut off by people shouting Wendy's name. The couple looked over at their friends and saw Erza leaning over Wendy while the rest were hesitantly fight Evil Lucy.

     Gajeel snapped his head back at his lover as she let out an ear piercing scream. She was on her knees, covering her ears with her hands. She was shacking her head back and forth while her body was slowly being lifted off the ground. Her eyes were clenched shut, yet teats were stil escaping.

     She screamed once more as a dark aura surrounded her. She opened her eyes and threw her hands to the side and her head back. Her eyes were once again vermillion red.She was now floating above Gajeel's head.

     Gajeel heard another scream and looked over at Lucy. She was doing the same as Levy. They started gravitating towards each other.

     When they finally collided, thee was a bright, blinding light. When it went away, the two beloved mages had been replaced by someone else.

     This woman was truly beautiful. She had one red eye, one purple eye, and one brown eye. Yes, she had three eyes but was still beautiful. Don't be eye racist. Her hair was blond with blue highlights and was held up with an orange hair band and the loose locks were held back by a black head band.

     She was slightly taller than Levy, but had the chest of Lucy.
She was wearing a black vest that shower off her cleavage, along with a short brown shirt and brown combat boots with orange laces.

     She had two tattoos, one on each forearm. One was a pink key that looked as if blackness was taking over it. The other one was an orange book, also having black at the bottom. She had a small leather pouch on the side of her right boot that had key looking objects sticking out of the top.

     "W-who are you?" A pale faced Wendy asked. The fusion looked at her and smiled slightly.

     "My name is Malachite. (A/N STEVEN UNIVERSE FOR THE WIN)" Malachite frowned and looked at the ground. You could see teats forming in her eyes. We all stared at her with confusion plastered on our faces.

     "Umm. Excuse me, but aren't you supposed to be, like, destroying us or something? Minerva asked. Malachite nodded her head.

    "Yes. That is what I was summoned for. I may be completely and utterly evil, but I'm not one person. In a way, I am five. Well, I have five different personalities. The two girls attacking you earlier weren't your friends. That was their mother's magic that was turned evil by Zeref. So, a part of me wants to kill you. Another part of me wants to hug you all." She explained.

     "Oohhh." They all said at once.

     "But now..." She raised her arms above her head as a dark aura surrounded her and she started levitating with her eyes closed.

     Her eyes shot open to revel black abyss looking orbs. "You must die."

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