Chapter 6

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A/N Hey guys! So for me school is starting next week so I won't be updating as much.*a single tear rolls down my cheek* I'll for sure going to update at least once a week, probably on the weekends. Don't yell at me if I don't. I will write as much as I can before school starts. Curse you school. Well, enjoy the chapie!!
(Lucy's POV)
We all ran in the direction of the water with me in the lead. I ran in but stopped when I was waist deep and shrieked. "Eeek! It's so COLD!!!" I heard Levy say not the car behind me. We all ran back out except for Natsu and Gray. Well, of course those two wouldn't be effected. They just gave us a confused look. "Why did you guys run out?" Natsu asked, being the idiot he is. "It's cold, Salamander." Gajeel said in a 'duh' tone.
Just then Wendy ran in until the water was to her shoulders and she dunked her head under water and came up a few feet closer to shore. "Wendy, are you crazy?" Romeo asked. "No. Once you get your head under you will get used to it faster. Are you guys gonna come in?" Wendy asked. There were murmurs going around in the group. "No." Everybody but me said. "Ok then. It's your choice." Wendy sighed. You could see it in her eyes she was disappointed, but she smiled anyways.
"C'mon guys! Why don't we just go in? She's obviously sad now." I said to the group. They all turned to look at me and gave me a face that said 'oh haaallll no'. I narrowed my eyes at them and said something I shouldn't have. "Screw you all." After I realized I said that I ran into the water in swam as fast as I could towards Wendy, afraid that Erza might get me.
I popped up next to her and turned to see everybody still on shore except for Erza, who was trying to get to me but was having a hard time due to the coldness. "I'm g-gonna g-g-get you *shiver* L-l-lucy!" Erza said through chattering teeth. "You know what? Screw this." Erza said and dunked herself under water. She jumped back up next to me and I screamed.
"Wendy, you were right. I'm already getting warmer. Since we're here to have fun, I'm gonna let what you said slide Lucy. But just this once." Oh thank Mavis! I'll live to see my apartment again! I smiled at Erza as the rest of the group came piling in. We were all just hanging out and swimming around until Mira and Meredy shouted, "VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT!!!" We all cheered and ran onto the beach where Mira and Meredy were.
"Alright, here are the rules. No magic. The end." Mira continued." We will be having teams of two and the way we will be playing is we will be having two teams out there and the winner of every round will play against the other winner in the end and we will keep doing that until we have one winner. I'm going to be playing so Meredy will be the referee and the Exceeds will be announcing the teams for each round."
We all looked over to the left and saw Lily eating a kiwi, Happy trying to offer Carla a fish and Carla turning down the offer. "Alright I took the liberty of creating the team's myself." Meredy said. We all looked at her in horror. Sometimes she can be as bad as Mira. A little coo-coo crazy when it comes to her ships.
"So we will have Natsu and Lucy as team Nalu, Gajeel and Levy as team Gale, Jellal and Erza as team Jerza, Romeo and Wendy as team Rowena, Gray and Juvia as team Gruvia, and Laxus and Mira as team Lami." Meredy smiled an evil grin at us. The whole time she was announcing the team's Mira was also evily grinning but stopped to look at Meredy in horror when she said 'lami', whatever that is.
"What's with the weird team names?" Levy asked. "Why, it's your ship names of course!" Mira and Meredy said in unison. "Wait so then that means-" we all looked at each other and grinned evily. Laxus groaned and Mira looked confused. "Why are you smiling lik- oh shit!" Mira said right before we all started dancing. "LAMI LAMI LAMI! LAMI FOREVER!!" We all yelled. Laxus blushed and turned away while Mira turned into the she-devil. We all stopped and furiously bowed to her. "We are sorry oh great Mira! Please don't kill us!" We all said in unison. She turned back to normal and nodded. "It's alright!" She said in a cheery voice but then it got lower. "Don't don't again." Scary. We all bobbed our heads up and down as fast as we could.
We heard Lily cough and we looked over to him. "Can we get this show on the road?" He asked. Before we could answer Happy shouted who will be in the first round. "FIRST ROUND WILL BE GRUVIA AND JERZA!!" They started the match with Jellal as the server. Gruvia one in the end. " ROUND 2!! NALU AND GALE!!" Carla yelled. We started the match with Levy as the server.
I passed the ball back to her but Gajeel hit it back. Natsu hit it back over the net forcefully and it almost hit the ground but Gajeel saved it. He hit it a bit too hard and it came flying in my direction. Before I could block it hit me and everything went black.
(Natsu's POV)
I ran to Lucy's side to catch her. I lay her down on the ground and check to see if she is unconscious. "WHAT THE H*LL GAJEEL?!?!" I yelled when it is confirmed she is knocked out. Gajeel, Levy, and everyone else came running to my side.
"LU-CHAN/LUCY-SAN/LUCY/LUSHEE/BUNNY GIRL!" They all yelled. "Gee, I'm really sorry. " Gajeel said while rubbing the back of his neck. Meredy took Lucy from me and inspected her. "All she needs is an ice pack." Meredy said as she lay her down on a beach chair. I ran inside to the infirmary and asked for and ice pack.
I came back with one wrapped in paper towels and handed it to Meredy. She placed it on Lucy's forehead and moved her hand so it was holding it in place. "Alright let's continue. I'll stay here and watch Lucy. Lily, be the referee for me." Meredy said. "No, you go. I'll watch Lucy." I said without thinking. Meredy wiggled her eyebrows at me while Mira started fangirling and the others snickered. I shooed them away once I heard Mira say something about "1,000,000 Nalu babies'.
Finally. I get to spend some time with Lucy. ALONE. I smiled to myself and tucked a piece of Lucy's hair that fell out of place behind her ear. I heard Mira freaking out behind me and I turned around and saw Erza lying on her back on the the ground and Jellal on top of her, his face right over her breast. Both of their faces were redder than Erza's hair and they were too shocked to move.
I took out my phone and snapped a picture. When they heard me they snapped out of their trance and ran to me and grabbed my phone. "Oi, what are you doing?" I asked them. "Deleting the picture. Duh." Jellal answered. "But I took that so I could show Lucy!" I argued. "Don't worry Natsu. We all took pictures." Wendy said. Once she did they all ran so that Jellal and Erza could not get their phones. "RUN MINNA! RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!" I yelled. "AND ER-UM, FLY LIKE THE WIND HAPPY LILY AND CARLA!!!" I added.
I heard Lucy stirring so I turned around and saw her slowly opening her eyes. I smiled at her. "Your finally awake!" I said excitedly and sat down next to her. "Yeah, what did I miss?" She asked noticing everyone was gone. "Oh, just Jellal falling on Erza and almost squishing is face in between her boobs. No biggie." I explained. "WHAT?!?!? THATS A HUGE BIGGIE!!!!" She yelled. "Yeah and we all got a ton of pictures but Jellal and Erza deleted mine. That's why everyone is gone. They're running from them." I explained.
She started bursting out in laughter. "I can't wait to see the pictures!" She said. Then she gasped. "I NEED TO START PLANNING THE WEDDING!!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. As if on cue Mira comes running towards us. "NOT WITHOUT ME!!!!!" She yelled. I laughed my butt off when the started actually planning the venue.
They looked at each other and started laughing as well. I continued laughing but kept glancing over to Lucy. She's so pretty when she smiles. I want to just give her a bear hug right now but I don't feel like hearing Mira have a fangirl-attack. Gosh, I love her so much. I just wish I knew how she feels about me.
(Lucy's POV)
After we were done at the beach (and fangirling over the pictures of Jellal and Erza) we went to the arcade. I was playing Dance Dance revolution with Levy when Gajeel came up to us and took her away to ask her something.
I quickly grabbed Mira and Meredy and brought them to where they were talking and we eavesdropped. We heard Gajeel ask Levy to the ball tomorrow night-oh yeah!I forgot about it!- and we had to hold back our squeals but couldn't take it any longer when Levy said yes. "YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!! GALE FOREVER!!!!!!" We yelled as we jumped out of our hiding spots. Gajeel looked at us with annoyance and Levy looked at us with a horrified expression.
"Did you guys h-hear that?!" She asked. We nodded furiously and Levy blushed. "Aww, it's ok Levy. Be happy! C'mon Lucy and Meredy! Now we have TWO weddings to plan!" Mira said and we skipped off away from a terrified Levy. We parted ways and I looked for a game to play.
I found a motorcycle game that I used to play all the time. I put in a token and hopped on the motorcycle. I chose the hardest map and started. When I was on my second lap I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I knew it was Natsu just by the way he gripped my shoulder. "Wow Luce! You're doing great!" He said. "Thank you." I quickly thanked trying to keep my concentration. "Hey guys! Come over here!" Natsu yelled. Everyone came over to me and watched me over my shoulder. "Wow Lu-chan! You're really good!" Levy complimented. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Thanks." I thanked them and focused on trying to pass the person in first place, Mr. Greeny. "Wait, isn't this the hardest map?" Gray asked. I nodded in response. "Wow." They all said. I finally passed Mr. Greenery right before the finish line and one first place.
"IN YOUR FACE MR. GREENY!!!! EAT MY SHORTS!!!!!!!!" I yelled as just jumped off the motorcycle and did my victory dance everyone clapped and congratulated me. "Looks like Lucy is a real bad ass." Laxus said. I smiled and bowed. "Thank you, thank you everybody!" I said in my best Elvis Presley impression. Everyone laughed and we all started singing the best Elvis song ever.
"STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN BABY! THAT'S MY PHILOSOPHY!!! ITS CALLED RUBBER NECKIN BABY, BUT THAT'S ALRIGHT WITH ME!!!" We all fell on the ground laughing our heads off. Once we calmed down we started walking back to our rooms. Before I went in mine Natsu stopped me.
"Luce, can I talk to you?" He asked. I nodded as my heart staring beating out of my chest. We walked back near the elevators and stopped. "So, Mira told me there is a ball tomorrow night that were going to, and wanted to ask you if you uh, wanted to uh, be my date." Natsu said and turned around to hide his blush.
"I would love to." I said without thinking about what I was saying. Eh, what the heck. Natsu turned to me with wide eyes then gave me his cheeky grin. He pulled me into a bear hug and I immediately hugged back. Boy am I excited for tomorrow!
Alright fellow fairies! There you have it! Chapter 6! I really don't have much to say except THANK YOU FOR READING MY BOOK!!!!!!!! You all are amazing! If you leave a comment or vote I will follow you. Trust me. Well, just hope you liked this chapter! I will try to update tomorrow! Bye!!!
Disclaimer: I do not own fairy tail. *balls eyes out*

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