Chapter 19

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A/N Hey guys! I'm so sad. Why, you ask? Because it's not Friday yet!! I'm so excited because my school gets all of next week off for Thanksgiving. I hope you like this chapter!!

(Gray's POV)
I push open the guild doors, panting with sweat rolling down my face.

"WHERE'S JUVIA?!" I yell. Everyone looks at me, confusion splattered on their faces. Wendy and Levy stand up.

"She left Fairy Hills at 6:00 for your date." Wendy says.

"She's not with you?" Levy asks, concerned.

"Well, obviously not! I was waiting for an hour!" I say frustrated. More people start getting worried, but Erza makes it worse.

"Ya know, Lisanna went to get me cake at about 5:45. And it doesn't take an hour to get from the guild to the bakery and back."

"Then where the h3ll are they?!" Romeo jumps up onto the table he was sitting at.

Levy looks at the ground, thinking so hard a tick mark appeared in her face. "Maybe.. maybe.. they-"

"No, Levy-chan. They haven't been seen since it happened. And besides, why would they go after Juvia and Lisanna?" Lucy reassures Levy.

"WHERE'S MY SISTER?" Mira yell, now in her Sitri form. She must be terrified then. She almost never uses that form. Laxus had to calm her down, being her husband and all.

"Brats! If Juvia and Lisanna are not back within 10 minutes, were sending out search parties!" Gramps, who mysteriously appeared on the railing, yelled.

"AYE!!!!" We all yell, sounding like Happy.

(Lisanna's POV 10 min later)
Juvia and I stood, shoulder to shoulder, it front of a large lacrima Ryan put in front of us. He's forcing us watch our family worry about us and look for us. They got put into groups of four to six people.

Right now we are watching Lucy's group consisting of Gray, Natsu, Erza, Gajeel, Lucy,Levy, Wendy and the Exceeds. The Exceeds don't count as people.

Ryan and Minerva stood on either sides of the lacrima. "See her? The hot blonde? Lucy? Her and her blue haired friend, Levy, are who your out to get. You will capture them and bring them to us. Is that clear?" Ryan smirked, knowing that we had to oblige against our own will.

"Y-y-yes S-s-sir." Juvia and I both say in unison.

Though they control us, there are still tears spilling out of our eyes uncontrollably. That's the one thing the can't control: sadness.

(Lucy's POV)
We were walking around, none of us knowing where we were going. We were just following the two idiots and Wendy's noses.

"Natzuu~ I'm hungry!" Happy yawned and laid on Natsu's head.

"Don't you got some fish in you sack?" Natsu asks, not stopping his 'sniffing process', as he called it. All three Dragon slayers perked up and looked around.

"Are you guys-"

"LEVY! LOOK OUT!" Wendy shouted and we all turned to see Levy be engulfed in water and dragged away. We chase after her but Gajeel is still alter, all three of them knowing we're being watched. All of the sudden I feel a stabbing pain in my side. I look down to see claw marks.

Everyone turns to me and gasps. "L-lucy... turn around..." Carla whispered. I slowly turn around, ignoring my pain. Behind me I see Lisanna in her cheetah form with a dark aura around her but tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry Lucy." She says and snatches me up and runs away, not letting the others catch her. She then knocks me out.

I wake up in a cell, cleaner than the last one I was in, with Levy. "This again?" I mumble under my breath.

"I know right!" Levy exclaims next to me, making me jump.

"Levy-Chan! You scared me!" I whisper loudly. Suddenly the door to the cell swings open. Juvia and Lisanna walk in, close the door behind them and sit criss-cross-applesauce next to us, not saying a word. After a few seconds they start sobbing.

"L-l-lucy.. l-l-levy...".Juvia whimpers.

"We're sorry..." Lisanna says and stares at the ground.

"Why'd you do it?" Levy interrogates, ignoring their pleads for forgiveness.

The two culprits don't say anything. The just motion the the shackles on their feet. "They made us do it." Lisanna explains, avoiding eye contact.

"Who is they?" I ask.

"R-Ryan and-"

"Minerva. Working for Zeref." I say, interrupting Juvia. Juvia nods, a tear rolling down her face.

"Wait, why is Ryan here? We never found out what happened to him after the boys beat him up." Levy asks.

"Ryan never really worked at the hotel. He hypnotized everyone who actually worked there into thinking he did. He planned the attack for Minerva." Lisanna explained.

"Ahhh! So you're telling them my past! And dare I say, Lucy you have gotten 70 times hotter than before. Same goes for you two, Levy." My body stands up and walks towards him, despite my protests. It's now occurring to me that Levy and I have shackles like Juvia and Lisanna on out ankles. My body pushes itself against Ryan.

"Ohhh! You want it now! Ok then!" Ryan starts groping me, despite my friends protesting and the tears streaming down my face.

"Naughty girl! Aren't you engaged?" Ryan 'asks' as my shirt gets lifted up.

"RYAN! ENOUGH!!!" A voice yells and I fall the the ground.

"AYE SIR! I MEAN MA'AM!!!" Ryan yells and salutes to a figure walking towards him.

"Hello, Fairies."

IM A GOOFY GOOBER!ROCK! I'm sorry. I was listening to that song on replay while I was writing this. #SpongeBob. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it's so short! Like, really really really really *10 hours later* really really short. Gosh, I'm surprised I went that long XP! Anyways, thanks for reading!

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