Chapter 21

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A/N Hey guys!! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just moved into a new house last weekend so I've been busy packing/unpacking for the last 2-3 weeks. Like I said last chapter, this book will be coming to an end soon. I have no plans for a second book, but I do have two ideas for books to write when this one's finished. But I will talk about that later ;). Well, I hope you like this AWEFUL chappie!!!

     Laxus' POV
"OLD MAN!!!!!" I scream as I run into the guild, Mira in my arms and Lisanna and Juvia close behind me.

     "What is it, child?!" Gramps asks as he walks out of his office. He sees Juvia and Lisanna behind me and runs up to them. He wraps his tiny arms around the two girls, completly unaware of the unconscious Mira in my arms.

     "My children!! You're home!!!!" He exclaims with glassy eyes.

     "Yes, we are. But we have a bigger problem on our hands." Lisanna motions to her non-moving sister. Gramps slowly turns to her and his eyes widen.

     "Mira-san used too much magic trying to free Lisanna-kun and Juvia. She passed out. And it didn't help that Mira-san is mphmoh!" Juvia's lasts words were muffled out by Laxus' meaty hands. He gave Juvia a death glare and run up to the infirmary with Mira. The others quickly followed. Warren was sitting on one of the beds, mumbling in his sleep.

     "Oi!! Warren! Wake up!!!" Laxus whacks Warren and sets down Mira on one of the beds.

     "Owwww!!! What was that for?!" Warren asks angrily.

     "Sorry. Can you tell everyone that we found Lisanna and Juvia but we need Wendy here as fast as possible?" Laxus asks, talking so fast that he could barely understand himself. Warren just nodded and put two fingers to his right eye brow and squinted, aging like Shawn Spencer from Psych (XD If you watch Psych let me know and you will become my new best friend XP!)

     Five seconds later, team Natsu comes bursting through the guild doors with Gajeel and Lily. Wendy sprints into the infirmary to help Mira. As she ran past me, I saw that her eyes were red and puffy. So were Happy's and Carla's, while everyone else was obviously trying not to cry. Well except for Natsu and Gajeel. The were pissed. And when I say pissed, I really mean that they were kicking and smashing every table and chair in their way. That's when I noticed that they had left with two other people.

     "Natsu..." I whispered, knowing he could hear me.

     "WHAT DO YOU WANT LAXUS?!" Natsu screamed and threw a chair at me. I caught it with one hand and tosses it to the side.

     "Natsu, where's Lucy and Levy?" I asked, knowing something and happened. Erza,Gray, and Lily looked up at me, their eyes slightly puffy. Gajeel stopped smashing things and stared and a blank space on the wall, while Natsu looked at the ground sheepishly.

     "Natsu, I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where's. Lucy. And. Levy." I said through gritted teeth, worried about my nakama. Natsu opened his mouth to speak, but Juvia beat him to the chase.

     "Minerva has them. Well, to be precise, Zeref  has them." She whispered. My eyes widen as I turn towards the blunette. There are tears streaming down her face and I can see Lisanna in the background, her hair covering her eyes.

     "WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS EARLIER?!?!?!?" I yell while Gramps is at loss for words. Gajeel glares at Lissanna and Juvia as Natsu slowly walks up to them, completely enraged.

     He stood in front of Juvia for a little bit, not saying anything and letting his hair cover his eyes, a dark aura surrounding him. Then, all of the sudden, he punches her jaw. She falls to the ground, crying, but not fighting back. He kicks her then walks over to Lisanna.

     "NATSU!" Gray, Erza and I yell as he lifts his fist to punch my sister in jaw.

     "No, it's OK. I truly deserve this." Lisanna whispers before Natsu punched her and she falls to the ground, unconscious.

     "WHAT THE %$&#, NATSU?!?!?!?!!?" I scream just as Elfman and the Thunder Legion walk in. Elfman and Bickslow see Lisanna on the ground in front of Natsu who's fist has blood on it.

     Bickslow runs to his girlfriends aid, his babies fly to Juvia's aid, while Elfman turns into his beast mode whilst walking up to Natsu. There was so much magic energy coming from him, that even I  was scared! Natsu's face immediately turned white.

     Elfman punched him, sending him across the guild. Within a blink of an eye, Elfmsn was on the other side of the guild, preceding to beat Natsu. Once he felt Salamander had had enough, he picks fhim up by the collar and whispered into his ear, "Real men don't hurt my sister."

     He then dropped a bruised and beaten Natsu on the ground and ran to infirmary to see his sisters.

     We all stared at Natsu's unconscious body in the ground. Eventually, Erza lifted and brought Natsu's body to the infirmary. He disgusts me sometimes.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I promise I'll update soon! Sorry this was so short! Well, I'll see you next time!!!!!

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