Chapter 3

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Hey guys! So this is actually my third time writing this chapter. It kept deleting after I was done for reasons I do not need to say. #giantthumbs. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter!
(Lucy's POV)
I woke up to the sound of my bathtub running. I immediately jumped out of bed and grabbed a broom. I slowly made my way got he bathroom and jumped in shouting a battle cry. "HYAAAA!!!" I yelled but stopped when I saw who it was. I dropped the broom when I saw a naked Natsu in my tub with Happy sitting in the sink full of water. "Oi, didn't you say it's rude to walk in on someone when they're taking a bath?" Natsu asked. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING IN MY BATHTUB?!?!?!" I yelled with steam coming out of my ears. "Awwww, c'mon Luce! I know you like what you see. COME PLAY IN THE BATHTUB WITH MEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Natsu said, acting like a man-child. That statement got on my nerves. I picked up the broom and whacked Natsu on the side of his head. "Ow, what was that for?" Natsu asked and then began to fake cry. I rolled my eyes and screamed "GET OUT OF MY BATHROOM!!!!" Then Natsu stood up a d walked out of the bathroom butt-naked. "AHHHHH WHAT THE HECK NATSU?! HAVE YOU BEEN HANGING OUT WITH GRAY?!?!?!?" I yelled, covering my eyes with both hands. I felt my face heating up and I knew I looked like a tomato. I heard Happy laughing his head off in the backround. "Cat, be thankful I can't see where you are because if I did, you would have a mouthful of broom." I told that stupid blue neko. "No I wasn't hanging out with Popsicle Princess. I was just following your commands. And I'm dressed you can look now." I slowly moved my hands from my still red face. I looked at the time and screamed. "AHHHH!!!! IT'S 7:30!!! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!!" I kicked Natsu and Happy out of my bathroom and quickly took a bath. I didn't realize I didn't have any clean clothes with me until I got out of the bathtub and dried off. I sighed and put my pajamas back on. I walked out of the bathroom and found a confused Natsu staring at the floor." What's wrong, Natsu?" I asked. He held up my diary. "Happy was reading this and said that it says you like me. I don't know though because the hand writing is kind of sloppy and it looks like the person was writing fast." Natsu said as my face, yet again, turns redder than a tomato. "I-uhh. N-no. It d-d-doesnt say that. No. Not at all. I-I don't l-l-like you like t-that." I stuttered. Great. Juuuuuust great. "Oh...." was all Natsu said. My eyes must be deceiving me. He actually looks disappointed. I quickly grabbed my clothes and started walking back to the bathroom but stopped when I saw Happy hidding under my bed, a smirk on his face. "What are you looking at cat?" I asked him. If looks could kill I would go to jail for murdering a cat. I turned around and walked into the bathroom. I quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom once again and grabbed my bag. "C'mon Natsu and Happy! We gotta go!" I told them and walked out the door with them following. When we finally got to the guild it looked like everyone was there. We found a table and sat down just as Mira walks on stage with a list in her hand. "Hello manna! We will be leaving soon so I need to get everyone situated. In car #1 there will be Lucy, Natsu, Levy, Gajeel, Wendy, Romeo, Erza, Gray, Juvia, and me as the driver. You all can bring your luggage to the car while I assign everybody else to a car." Mira smiled and shooed as away. We all walked to the car and started putting our bags in the trunk. "I CALL SHOTGUN!!!" Erza yelled. No one dared protesting. "Lucy-San and Levy-San, would you like to sit next to me and Juvia?" Wendy asked us. "Sure Wendy!" Levy and I said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed. "Wait, so I have to sit with metal head and ice princess? Oh heck to da no!" Natsu complained. "It's not any better for me, fire breath." Gray retorted. Gajeel just stared at them in annoyance and romeo was cheering on Natsu as Natsu and Gray start fighting. "I honestly feel bad for Romeo. He has to sit back there with them." Levy said. "Eh, don't. He will be just fine. Let's just hope he doesn't turn into a mini Natsu" Erza said. We all nodded our heads in agreement. "Hey Wendy, are you gonna use your troia spell on Natsu and Gajeel?" Juvia asked. Wendy suddenly looked sad. "I can only use it on Gajeel. Natsu-nii has grown immune to it" "Then we'll knock 'em both out so that you won't have to use it on either of them." Erza said, clenching her fists. Just then Mira walked out. "Alright everybody! Time to leave!" Mira said then got into the drivers seat. We all got into our seats and buckled up. I can't wait to get to the resort!
Hey guys sorry for the short chapters. I will try to make them longer but there really isn't much to say as of right now. When there is nirw action and what not I promise they will be longer. Remember to comment!

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