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Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh
*ten house later* Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh!!!!!!!!!

OK, so, I go onto Wstpad to read a book but then I see that I have a notification saying people commented on the last chapter, so it think, "hey, I haven't checked to see how many reads I have in a while." So I go to check and I internally squealed and dropped my phone. My mom was in front of me when it happened and she told me that I just sat, staring at my phone on the groumdwith my jaw dropped.

2.03 freakin K

Like, wtf I'm not even that good at writing but at least once a week, I turn on my phone in the morning and it blows up because of all the notifications I get from people commenting/voting. I cannot express my gratitude. So, as a way of say thanks, I'm doing a Q and A. Don't know why. I just felt like it. So please comment or whatever just any questions you have, whether its about my personal life or math homework problems XD. (Yes I'll tell you math problem answers!! #mathgeek)

I'll update with the Q 'n' A in a week or so but I'll try to update an actual chapter before that. Bye and thanks for all the reads and support!!!!!!!!

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