Chapter 23

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OK, sooooo.... Scratch the Q/A thing..... On to the story!!!!!!!

    (Mira's POV)
      "Ryan?!?!?" we all screamed. The man bowed and grinned stupidly. I hate him. Always have. Always will. He got in the way of my PERFECT ships!

     "In the flesh!" Ryan exclaimed as he spun around. All of the boys and I rolled our eyes in disgust.

     All of the sudden, another figure appeared next to him.

     "Ryan, do your job why don't ya?" A woman with black hair said.

     "Minerva?!!!" We all asked as Laxus and Gray got in their fighting stances and Erza pulled her sword out of her sheath.

     "What are YOU doing here?" I asked as I glared daggers at her.

     "I came to return your beloved friends. But Master Zeref didn't trust Ryan to be near them, so I must bring you to them!" Minerva explained. All of the sudden, a black and green hole appeared underneath us. We fell into it and started screaming. Even Minerva and Ryan.

**5 minutes later**
     We're still falling, but no one has screamed for the last 3.5 minutes. We all have just been lounging out, letting our bodied fall into the endless pit.

     "How long has it been?" Lisanna asked. Her, Juvia, and Natsu woke up about 2 minutes into the ride.

      I pulled out my time lacrima and checked. "10 minutes." I groaned.

     "Oi, Minerva? How long is this gonna last?" Natsu asked.

     "I'm not sure. This has never happened before. Maybe because I teleported so many people, it was all like, 'Bish what'chu tryin to do? Kill meh?'" Minerva explained. Natsu nodded, obviously pretending to know what she's talking about.

     "Guys..... I think i see.... Yup. That's light. We're actually falling now. We're screwed." Erza stated calmly as we all looked down to see the light getting bigger and bigger.

     "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" We all screamed. We were no longer in the black abyss. We were galling from the sky.


     We were about to hit the ground when something,no... Someone caught us. I opened my eyes that I didn't realize were closed. I looked up and saw a blonde girl with green eyes and a pink dress. She was covered in bruises and scars.

     "M-mavis.... How did this happen?" I asked the young ghost girl, noticing that she was more transparent than normal.

     "I thought no one could hurt you! Or heal you at that matter!" Master said as he watched Wendy's poor attempt to heal her.

     "Uhhhh.... Who are you guys talking too?" We turned around and saw Minerva and Ryan there, confusion spread across their faces.

     "But why did you save them?" Laxus asked, turning back to Mavis.

     "I.... Saw... Purness in their.... Hearts...." Mavis smiled weakly as she fell forwards.

     "Who did this to you, Mavis?! I swear, if it was that Zeref bastard..." Gray covered his hands in an ice sword like thing.

     "No, he can't hurt her. No one-"

     "He... Can't... But they... Can..." Mavis cut of Master and pointed to our right, where two dark figures appeared.

     Natsu, Wendy, Laxus and Gajeel sniffed the air and their eyes widened. "It smells like Lucy..."

     "And Shri- er I mean Levy..."

     "But... Different....",the hpus stated.

     "SKY DRAGON.... ROAR!!!!!!" Wendy screamed as wind blasted out of her mouth. The two figures identities were revealed. The boys were wrong. They weren't outr beloved friends.

     They were demons.

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