Chapter 20

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A/N OMG GUYS I AM SO F@$#ING SORRY! I'VE BEEN BUSY WITH SCHOOL AND FAMILY SHIT THAT I FORGOT TO UPDATE!!!! KILL ME NOW! But in all seriousness, I am so, so, so, so, so, so sorry. I've had a really bad writers block and, Luke I just said, I've been reeeeaaaallllyyyyy busy with all kinds of shiz. Please forgive me. I will try to update regularly from now on. Meaning once a weekish. On to the chapter!

"Hello, fairies." She opens the door and tosses half a loaf of bread at Levy and Lucy.

"Hey?! What about us?!" Lisanna asks, confusion written on her face. Minerva rolled her eyes and put two fingers on her eyebrows and squinted slightly. Just like Shawn from Psych XD.

"What're'ya doing?!" Lucy watched as Lisanna and Juvia going from lying on their backs to standing in a blink of the eye without bending their legs.

"OH CRAP! THEY'RE POSSESSED!!!" Levy screams as the two girls slide towards Minerva, their eyes slowly turning purple.

"No, you idiot. I'm controlling them." Minerva rolls her eyes again.She likes rolling her eyes.

"Why do ya gotta make 'em look scary tho?" Ryan asks, hiding in the corner from his scary co-worker. All of the sudden, portals outlined in purple and green appear under the two girl being controlled. In a millisecond, they were nowhere to be seen and the portals were gone. The two bookworms watch in horror as their friends disappear.

"BITCH WHRRE DID YOU TAKE THEM?!" Lucy screams, attempting to punch Minerva through the bars but found no such luck.

"They will be held in a separate cell. "Minerva walks away, dragging a scared-out-of-his-mind Ray behind her. Before they were out of sight, the dirty scumbag winked at Lucy is a seductive way. #EWWWWWWW

Mira's POV
Laxus, the Thunder Legion,Elfman and I slowly walked down an alley way that Laxus said smells an awful lot like Lis. I was in the back, not wanting to talk to anyone. My sister is missing. My friends are missing. Not much more to say.

"Shit." I hear Bickslow (CAN SOMEONE PLZ GOOGLE HOW TO SPELL HIS NAME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!I TOO LAZY.) say from the front of the group. I look up and see that we're at a dead end. Laxus is pressing his forehead against one of the many walls.

"I'm sorry Mira and Elfman. I thought I smelled your sister, but I wasted our time and lead us to a dead end." Laxus sighs. Although he's trying to hide it, I can see that his eyes are somewhat puffy.

I walk up to him and place my arms around his waist, leaning my head on his back. "It's ok, Laxus. You tried your hardest. We'll find them. Don't worry. And don't forget, Lis is your sister, too. In case you have forgotten, we are married." I whisper. I can hear Freed in the background mumbling "She stole Laxus-senpai..."

"But I have FAILED you!!" He screams and pounds a fist on the wall. A second later, we are on the ground. I stand back up and see that we have found a secret door. I turn around to see the door closing.

"MIRA!!! LAXUS!!!!!!" The rest of our group yells. Just before it's closed all the way, I manage to yell, "WE'RE FINE!! We'll figure our way out! Just stay -" I was cut off by the loud clicking noise produced by the door locking.

"Mira... She's here. So is Juvia. I can smell them." Laxus starts walking down the large corridor.

Lisanna's POV
I open my eyes and shoot up, realizing that I'm in a different room. "Lisanna-San is finally awake. Juvia was getting lonely." The water mage taps on my shoulder making me jump.

"Where are we?" I ask, confused as to what happened. All I remember is Minerva showing up. Everything's black from there.

"We're being held in a separate cell. Ryan says it's so that when they make us do their.... evil biddings, Love- LUCY and Levy-San cannot escape." Juvia explains, correcting her mistake about Lucy's name. All of the sudden, I hear quick footsteps coming in our direction. I shoot a look at Juvia and she nods. We hide behind some haybales that we used as beds. The two people are in view now,although it is too dark for me to make out their faces. I can only depict the body of a woman and a very muscular man.

"Another dead end." The man says. I see Juvia's eyes widen. The voice was very familiar.

"Well, there's this cell here. Lis?Juvia? Lucy? Levy?" A very soft voice asks. Juvia and I jump out of our hiding spots and run to the metal bars.

"Yes, Mira-nee!! It's us!!" I whisper very loudly, sticking my hand through the bars to touch my big sister.

"Lisanna! Oh, are you hurt? Juvia, you ok?" Mira and Laxus ask in synch. Juvia and I let out a soft giggle as they go into another 'jinx' fight that always ends up with Laxus almost getting murdered by Mira.

"We don't have time for this. We'll finish later." Laxus says as he starts trying to break us out. The couple try many things, but they never were able to get us out.

"NO! I WON'T GIVE UP! I'LL SAVE MY NAKAMA!!!!" Mira screams when Laxus suggests giving up and going on a hunt for Gajeel or Big Brother Elf. Mira turns into her Sitri form and smashes her fists repeatedly on the lock, trying to break it. She found no such luck. All of the sudden she changes back to normal and fell onto the ground.

"MIRA!!!!" We all yelled, Laxus being the loudest. Laxus ran to her side and laid her head in his lap. She was coughing violently, a little bit of blood coming out in the process.

"Mira... you went to far. You used too much magic." Laxus whispered softly in her ear. She just smiled weakly and turned to me, but she talked specifically to her husband.

"Anything to save... my sister...*COUGH. COUGH COUGH.* and.....J-Juvia..." She closed her eyes as if she had died, but her chest elevated at a steady pace.

"Tch. Demon I told you not to use lots of magic energy it's bad for the baby." Laxus says, only realizing it AFTER he said it. He covered his mouth with his hands as he slowly backed away from Mira, thinking she'll kill him. But she just opens her eyes and smiles at me and Juvia. Juvia's jaw is hanging so low it almost touches the ground while I just stare at Mira's belly. Now that I think about it, Mira has been throwing up a lot, having really bad mood swings, and having very strange food cravings for the last month. I can now see that her belly is stinking out a bit more.

"Babies." Mira whispers quietly, smiling with her eyes closed and hands on her belly.

"NANI!?!?!?!?!?!" All three of us yell.

"Wendy confirmed it yesterday. I'm pregnant with..."



"Quadruplets?" We all guessed. Mira shook her head no to all of them.

"Octouplets." She mumbles then passes out in a very confused blondes lap.

"Ok,this may sound stupid, but what does that mean?" Laxus' face turns red as Juvia makes a 'Really?' face at him. I smile at her and hold up eight fingers.

"Laxus, you'll be a father of eight lightning demons."


Hey!!! I hope you liked this chappie! I tried ending it on a happy note to make up for the amount of time I went without updating. Please, if you guys want an update fell free to tell me in any way. I just need motivation. I will be next this book shortly; a minimum of 10 more chapters. I have the story line already planned out. Well, thanks for reading and sorry for making you wait so long!!!!

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