Chapter 4

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Hey guys! I was supposed to update yesterday but it was my baby sisters birthday. We were in the middle on eating DELICIOUS CUPCAKES outside when we got caught in a category V hurricane *cough* over exaggerating*cough* Well, I hope you like this chappie!
(Lucy's POV)
I woke up and my neck immediately started hurting. I groaned in agony as I opened my eyes. I was confused as to where I was at first, but then I remembered I was in the car. I looked around and noticed Levy asleep next to me and Gajeel and Natsu still unconscious.
"Oh, Lucy-San! You're awake!" A small voice beside me said. I turned to look at Wendy and nodded. "Yup. And my neck is in pain." I replied. Wendy then put her hands over my neck and mumbled a few words. "There. Does that feel better?" She asked. "Yup! Thanks Wendy!" I then noticed the ocean and Juvia staring out the window in wonder and awe. "Guys, look! The ocean!" She exclaimed. "And the resort right next to it." Erza added. We-meaning those who are awake- looked at the front and saw a giant building.
"Woah." We all said. We just sat staring at it until Mira yelled at us. "I SAID GET OUT!!" We didn't realize that we had pulled into the parking lot and Mira and Erza were already out of the car. I shook Levy to wake her up while Gray, who was oddly quiet, tried waking Natsu and Gajeel. "Wake up ash brains! Get up metal head!" I sweat dropped. I don't think they hear him, considering they're out cold and slept through Mira yelling. "Here, I got this." Levy said. "Solid Script: water!" The word water then appeared and sprayed the two Dragon slayers.
"WHAT THE H*LL!!" They both yelled while jumping out of their seats. Gray and I just rolled on the floor laughing our butts off. "That *laugh* was hilarious!" Gray said bursting out into tears from laughing too hard." Nice one Levy!" I said while clutching my stomach from also laughing too hard. Gajeel just gave me an annoyed look while Natsu pouted. "Why would you laugh at me Luce?" He asked. "Because of your reaction to the water, that's why." I replied. He just shrugged and lit his whole body on fire. "NATSU!! WHAT THEY HECK ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled. "I'm drying myself off. Duh." Natsu said while getting rid of the fire on his body. Once it was all clear we all saw Natsu with clothes in perfect condition.
"C'mon slowpokes! Let's go inside!" Mira said. "What about our luggage?" Juvia asked." Oh, the boys can get it." Mira answered and smiled at the boys. They gapped at Mira. "How the h*ll are we supposed to carry that?!" Romeo asked pointing at the luggage on the ground. "Go get a cart or something." Mira replied. "Let's go girls." We all flipped our hair and walked away feeling sassy. Once we were out of their view we burst out laughing. "That was a good one!" Wendy said before she fell on the floor and continued laughing.
We all calmed down at waited for the boys. They brought in all the luggage and sat it down on the floor looking exhausted. "Alright you girls are bring your luggage to your room, not us."Natsu said." Whatever." We all said. Just then a very well tanned man with blond hair and blue eyes walked up the us. "Hello ladies. My name is Ryan and I will be your guide while you are staying at the resort. Oh, I'm so lucky to get to walk around with such lovely ladies." He said and bent down to kiss our hands. We all blushed- even Erza!- and looked over to the boys. They were obviously trying to stay calm but you could see actual steam coming out of their ears. We looked over to Mira and saw her madder than the boys. She even turned to Satan soul but quickly turned back to normal when a little girl started crying. "Hello Ryan. Can you just give us our keys and bring us to our room?" Mira asked clearly annoyed. "Why yes m'lady." He responded and gave her a flirtatious smile. "Here are your keys." He handed us all our keys but stopped at my. He handed me my key and a piece of paper. He whispered in my ear, "Call me." He then turned around and started walking to the elevator. "Your room is room 245, so the top floor." He stopped and waited for us to grab our luggage from the guys who still look like they could kill someone. We all started walking and Ryan walked beside me. We got on the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. Before the door closed we saw a girl with brown hair in pigtails walk up to the boys and handed them their keys.
(Natsu's POV)
"Alright all those in favor of beating the crap out of that piece of shit, raise your hand." Gray said said after the girls grabbed their luggage. We all raised our hands and noticed two extra hands. We looked to see who it was and saw Laxus and.....
"JELLAL/MYSTOGAN?!?!" Gajeel, Gray and I yelled. "Shhhhh!!!" He shushed us. "Who the h*ll is this guy?" Romeo asked. Gray and I explained to him and Gajeel that he is an old friend of Erza's. "Oh." The said in unison. We all noticed the girls walking to the elevator with that son of a b*tch. He was walking next to Lucy and was close to her. Too close. I could tell she was uncomfortable and I went running but Jellal and Laxus stopped me. "No Natsu. Not yet." Nepal said giving me and evil grin. I nodded and saw a girl with her brown hair up in pigtails walk up to us. "Hello boys. My name is Sasha. I will be your guide during your stay. Here are your keys. Your room is room 243." She handed us our keys and started walking towards the other elevator. We all saw the door to the elevator the girls were on close but before it did Ryan gave us all a mischievous smile." He has some kind of death wish." I heard Laxus mumble under his breath.
We reached the elevator and stepped inside. When we got to the top we saw the girls in front of a door. "Yo Luce!" I yelled as we started running towards them. They all jumped and turned to us. "Don't. Do. That. Natsu." Lucy said looking quite annoyed. "What room do you have?" Levy asked us. "243." We answered. "Oh cool! Right across the hall from us! We have 245!" Wendy clapped her hands together in excitement. Ryan coughed and looked at us boys clearly annoyed. "Ahem. Girls, do you know these people?" He asked. "Yup! They are our guild mates!" Juvia answered. I noticed Jellal hiding behind Laxus. He saw me looking at him and he put a finger over his mouth signalling me to be quiet. I nodded and watched Ryan closely just to make sure he doesn't try anything.
Jellal then jumped out from behind Laxus. "ROAR!!" He yelled, scaring the girls. They all-including Ryan- screamed and fell to the ground. Gray, Romeo and i started laughing our butts off while Laxus, Jellal and Gajeel snickered. "WHAT THE H*LL?!?!" They all yelled. Suddenly Juvia, Lucy and Erza froze in shock.
"JELLAL?!?!?! They yelled. Erza fainted and Lucy was really confused. Juvia explained who Jellal was to Levy and Wendy. "Oh yeah. Did I forget to mention he was coming? And Meredy is in our room already." Mira said. We all turned to her and yelled. "THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE TO KNOW!!!" Of course the world had to be cruel and Mira started crying. We all apologized and she immediately stopped. "Alright girls. Well here's your room. Call me if you need anything." With that Ryan walked away. "Same for you too boys. If you need help just ask for me." Sasha said and walked off in the same direction.
(Lucy's POV)
We walked into our room and dropped our things. This place is beautiful! A/N I'm not gonna go into description. Use your imagination. We ran upstairs and saw 7 rooms. All of them had their doors closed except for 1. We all ran in to the room and jumped on Meredy."MEREDY!!" We all yelled. "Minna! I missed you!" She said while smiling. We all walked out and grabbed our luggage from the front door. We all looked at each other and nodded. Meredy picked up a checkered rag and put it in front of us. "On your marks, gets set, GO!" She lifted the rag and we all started running with our luggage. I was first to the top of the stairs so I pick the best room. I put down my luggage and jumped onto the soft bed.
Mira walked into my room and sat down next to me. "We're gonna relax for the rest of the day, maybe watch a movie later." Mira said.I nodded as she walked out of my room. I got my phone and headphones out of my pocket and turned on one of my playlists on Spodify. I squealed as my favorite song came on. I quickly paused it and pulled doubt the head phones. I ran out of our hotel room and across the hall.
I pounded on the boy's door. Jellal opened it and looked at me. "Hello Lucy. Wha-" I cut him off and ran into the room. "Which room is Gajeel's?" I asked him. " The fourth one. Why?" "No time to talk" I ran up the stairs and stopped in front of Gajeel's door. The song was already a few seconds in but whatever. I played it and sang along with as loud as I could. "ON THE TV THE SAID THEY HAD REPORTED YOU DEAD! IT WAS MY FAULT CAUS-"
I was cut of by Gajeels door swinging open and him throwing my phone down the hall. Thanks to my phone case nothing happened and the music kept playing. Then all of the sudden Mira, Levy, Erza, Juvia, Wendy and Meredy ran up the stairs and started singing. "I'VE BEEN STARIN' AT THE HOTEL CEILING! DRINK IN EVERYTHING I FOUND THIS EVENIN'!! TRY TO HOLD TO THE SWEETEST FEELING! SO ILL NEVER LET YOU GO! DONT YOU LEAVE ME LONELY!" We sang/ yelled. Gajeel mumbled a curse word and walked back into his room, slamming the door behind him.
We all laughed and walked back to our room. I put my headphones back in and just sat on my bed doing nothing but listening to the music. When the next song played I started singing along, but not yelling."Heart beats fast. Color and promises. How to be brave.How can I love when I'm afraid to fall but watching you stand alone all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.... one step closer...I have died every day waiting for you. darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a Thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more...."
I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm in extreme pain.
Ooooo! Cliffhanger! Because I know EVERYBODY loves them so. How do you feel about Ryan? I don't know about you but.... IM FEELING 22! ok I'm sorry. I hate him. I told you i woudl start making the chapters longer! YOU ALL OWE ME $10!!!! Jk.Well, thanks for reading! Remember to vote and comment!

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