Chapter 12

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A/ N Ok so I am updating today! Like I said, it's going to be really late so by the time I finish this chapter and publish it will most likely be past 9:00. Well, I hope you like this chappie!

(Mavis' POV) *in Lushee's bedroom*
I search Lucy's room, looking for it. I've been looking for the special item that holds her true powers. After 15 minutes of searching I find it. "Aha!" I whisper as I lift a small wooden box in the air. I open it to see what holds her true powers and I see all of the letters she writes to her mom. I close my eyes and take in the am out of magic energy radiating off of it. This kind of magic works only for Celestial Spirit mages. It is called 'Spiritual Enchantments'. There is a little bit of Layla's spirit lingering on this earth, and it has connected Lucy and these letters. If something bad were to happen to these, it would release the Cracken- er I mean unleash Lucy's true magical power. I'm not sure what it is, but I know it will be strong enough to almost defeat Zeref. But he will not be defeated unless Levy helps, with her true power.

After I cleaned up the mess I made in Lucy's room I found a pen and paper. This whole time I've known that Happy was watching me, so if I leave a note he will for sure look at it. I finished writing and climbed out the window, clinging on to the bricks. I carefully closed the window and started climbing towards Levy's. I slowly and silently passed Erza's window and hopped onto Levy's windowsill. I pry open the window and hop in. Being as quiet as possible I search the room. I feel a strong amount of energy coming from one side of the room so I start looking over there. I dug through one of Levy's dresser drawers, looking for the source of the energy. It seemed to be coming from in here. I pick up a small photo album and take in a deep breath. Yep, this is definitely it. I look through the book and see that all of the pictures are pictures of her friends, whether they're from Fairy Tail or not. But there was one picture that stood out. It seemed to.... glow, in a way. I look at it closer and realize it's a picture of the reunion with the Tenrou team. This seemed to be the happiest day of all of their lives. Well no dur. This enchantment was a special kind, one that not even Zeref knows the name of. That's how special it is.

I place the book inside Lucy's box and climb out the window. As I was closing it I lost balance and started falling off a 40 story building. Instead of screaming I sit cross-legged and pull out a book I was storing in the pocket of my cloak and start reading. Wow, Violet Baudelaire is so clever! Sunny is my favorite though. I close the book once I get close to the ground and start unfolding my legs. I land gracefully on the ground and look around to see if anyone saw. It doesn't look like it so I start heading towards the woods.

I find my tree and start climbing. I had come to the resort with the guild, they just didn't know that. The other day when the boys were hiding from the girls, specifically Erza and Mira, they almost found me. Luckily nobody climbed my tree and no one spotted me. It wasn't much but the tree was great. I had found a branch that was wide enough and strong enough to withstand the weight of an air mattress, not that they weigh very much. I crawl into my sleeping bag and start falling asleep. I was about to be completely asleep when I heard someone say my name.

I shot up in my sleeping bag and look around the dark forest. "Hello Mavis. I cannot see nor hear you, but I can sense you here and know where you are." A silhouette of a man appears in front of me and I immediately recognise him.

"Hello Zeref. What do you want?" I ask clearly annoyed that my peaceful sleeping was interrupted by him.

"Well, I just figured that by now you have found the items that will cause great damage to me." He said referring to theaters and the photo album.

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