Chapter 5

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A/N Sup fellow fairies! This book has gotten 30 reads already! I know it's not much but it still means a lot to me, considering this is the first book I've ever written. Thank you guys so much!
Well, I hope you like this chapter!


"Heart beats fast. Color and promises. How to be brave.How can I love when I'm afraid to fall but watching you stand alone all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.... one step closer...I have died every day waiting for you. darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a Thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more...." I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm in extreme pain.
(Lucy's POV)
I scream as a stabbing pain goes up my right leg, my left leg feels like it's burning, and my stomach is being squashed. I open my eyes and see Meredy sitting on my stomach, Natsu on my left leg, and Erza on my right. To make things worse Erza's swords were swings around and kept hitting my leg and Natsu, being the idiot he is, had his hands lit on fire.
"Oi, calm down Luce! It's just us!" Natsu said clearly not noticing my face that couldn't even describe how much pain I was in. Let's just say it was something like this (;'□`). "Natsu, you idiot. Do you not see she is in pain?" Meredy asked. I sweat dropped because she is also causing pain. "Yeah guys, can you please get off of me?" I asked as kindly as I could in fear of Erza yelling at me. The all got of and I let out a sigh of relief. "What are you guys doing in here anyways?" I asked. If it's for no reason someone's gonna get punched, and it's not gonna be Erza.
" Mira told us to come get you. We're all gonna watch a movie." Erza explained. "Oh. What movie?" I asked. The all shrugged. "I don't know." They all said in unison. Meredy and Erza started laughing but Natsu stared at them. He came up to me a whispered, " How did they read my mind? Do we need to get the burning stake?" I facepalmed. "Yes Natsu. We're gonna burn them at the stake." I answered. "WITCH CRAFT!!! OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!!!" Natsu yelled. No, its off with YOUR head now... I thought. I was right. Erza came up to Natsu and put her sword up to his neck. "What did you just say about me?" Erza asked surprisingly calm. It scared me. "N-n-NOTHING" Natsu said while escaping from Erza's grip and running out of my room."Well, c'mon! We don't want to keep Mira waiting now do we?" Meredy started walking towards the door with Erza on her tail. "Ok! Ill be down in a second!" I told them.
I went into my bathroom and fixed my make-up that got smeared when I fell asleep and brushed my teeth. I couldn't stand the taste of it. I walked out of my room and saw everybody in front of the tv. "Lu-chan! Finally! You took FOREVER!" Levy exclaimed while giving me a hug. "Sorry. Are we gonna start the movie now?" I asked. Mira nodded. "Yup. We're watching Amber Alert." "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Levy, Juvia, Wendy, Romeo and I yelled. I hate scary movies. "Too bad. So sad." Mira said as she turned on Netflix. She turned the movie on and we all took our seats. Levy, Wendy, and I were sitting on the ground while everyone else was sitting on the couch.

(Natsu's POV)
When there was another jump scare Lucy jumped from the ground and onto the couch to hide behind me. I blushed a little but brushed it off and continued watching the movie. I noticed Levy was hiding behind Gajeel, Romeo and Wendy were hiding behind each other, and Juvia wasn't even paying attention to the movie. She was too busy swooning over Popsicle Princess. I noticed Lucy had wrapped her hands around my forearm and I blushed again but this time I couldn't get rid of it. Thank Mavis nobody was looking at me and it was dark. When the movie was finally over Lucy and Levy were in tears. "BWAHAHAHA! WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DIE?!!" They both said in unison and continued crying. "Well, we should get some rest. It's getting late and we have things to do in the morning. We're going to the beach early when almost nobody is there." Mira said. We all cheered and walked to our rooms. When I closed the door to mine I started thinking about Lucy in a bikini. I know I've already seen her naked but I still couldn't help but blush every time I see her in a bikini. I shook me head to clear those thoughts and removed my shirt and pants. I walked into my bathroom to take a shower but found Happy sitting on the toilet seat. "Happy, I thought you were still in your room with Lily and Carla." I told him giving him a confused look. "Well, I missed you so I came to visit. Now get in the shower already I'm tired of looking at ya." Happy said. I think he's on his cat period. I turned the shower to the hottest setting and stepped in. As the water hit my face I started thinking about Lucy again. This time I didn't stop. I just kept thinking about how pretty she is, how her smile lights up the whole room, her brown eyes that twinkle in the moonlight- ok now it's getting too cheesy. I got out of the shower and dried off. I put my pants back on and dried off my scarf. I got into bed and fell asleep thinking about Lucy.

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