Chapter 18

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(??? POV)
It's time. "****, *******, go do your job." I point to a tanned man with blonde hair and a girl with long black hair. They nod and grin evily.

"It would be my pleasure." **** says, grabs four shackles and walks off, ******* following closely behind. I look at the picture of a small girl with blonde hair and emerald eyes. I caress the girls face the throw the picture across the room. You won't stop me this time.

(Juvia's POV)
It's been five years since the incident at the resort, and since then Levy-san and Gajeel-kun have started dating, Erza-san and Jellal-San have also started dating, although it's a long term relationship. Mira-san and Laxus-kun got married last year- Juvia was a brides maid!- , Carla finally fell for Happy, Wendy-san and Romeo-kun are dating but won't admit it to Carla, Macao, or Wakaba. Natsu-San and Love- Juvia means Lucy are engaged as of earlier this year.

But the best part was that- drum roll please- GRAY-SAMA ASKED JUVIA OUT! EEE! Juvia is so happy! She is getting ready to go on a date with him right now! (Btw this is all in Juvia's POV even though it appears to be in third person. It is because Juvia speaks and thinks in third person.)

Juvia finishes the last touches of her make-up and looks at herself in the mirror. She has on a knitted light blue sweater- hand crafted by Levy-san - and dark skinny jeans. She has on black combat boots and the necklace Gray-sama gave her when he asked her out. It was raindrop with small snowflakes inside of it. She has her hair pulled back in a pony tail held up by a blue butterfly clip.

"Lookin good, Juvia!" Juvia turns around and smiles at the two bluenettes sitting on her bed.

"Juvia-san looks very pretty." Wendy-San complements. Levy-san nods in agreement.

"Thanks! Juvia will be off now. She doesn't want to beaten for her date!" She says and hops a little. The two bluenettes smile at Juvia as they walk out of her room in Fairy Hills.

Juvia walks through town to find the ice cream shop Gray-sama said to meet him at. All of the sudden Gray-sama steps out of an alley way in front of Juvia.

"Gray-sama, what were you doing in there?" Juvia asks.

"Juvia, follow me. I have something to show you. It's a surprise!" Gray-sama says and turns on his heel to walk back into the alley. Juvia happily follows. They take multiple turns until they come to a brick wall.

"Uhh, Gray-sama? Juvia doesn't see anything." She says as she looks at her Gray-sama, who continues to walk. He doesn't stop when he gets to the wall. He runs right into it and disappears, leaving a puff of smoke behind.

"GRAY-SAMA?!" Juvia yells. Two figures walk out from the shadows in front of Juvia. Both look oddly familiar. Juvia stares at them for a few seconds then gasps when she remembers.

"M-m-minerva? R-r-ryan?" She stutters.

"Yes, Juvia. It is us. And wow, you have gotten sexier over the last 5 years! So sad we're gonna have to torture you." Ryan says. Juvia remembers Ryan being a sweet, charmimg gentleman who gave Juvia and her friends complements without sounding perverted.

Juvia starts slowly walking away but stops when she feels two hands touch her shoulders. She turns around to find a young silver haired maiden.

(Lisanna's POV)
I was walking to the cake shop to get some sweets for Erza in the warm, mid-summer weather. The sun was just above the horizon, producing a red, pink, purple and orange sky. Perfect for Juvia's date tonight! I thought, remembering my blue haired friends special night.

I cut through some alley ways -a shortcut to the bakery- and make it safely to the shop. I buy a strawberry cake and start making my way back to the guild, once again taking the shortcut. As I'm walking through the alleys, I feel as if I'm being watched. I walk a little bit faster when I hear a few footsteps. I start sprinting when I see something move in the corner of my eye.

I'm almost to the exit! I run as fast as I can, but I trip over a rock, making the cake go flying into the middle of the street and me fall on my face. I groan and roll over, but when I do, I see two figures standing a few feet away from me. I start crawling away as the walk towards me and I see a bag in one of their hands and what appears to be cuffs with lacrimas in them in another.

The next thing I knew, there was a burlap sack over my head and my hands were tied up. I tried to scream but one of them put a knife to my neck, making me shut up.

When I can see again, we are in a dark room and one of the cuff things are on my right ankle. The lights turn on and I see Minerva Orland sitting in a chair with a vaguely familiar man next to her. I try crawling away, but my body schemes against me and walks towards them.

"Well, hello Lisanna Strauss." Minerva smirks. The man next to her checks me out.

"Minerva, you were right. She is pretty hot. Oh, yeah. I'm Ryan. I "worked" at the hotel you were at five years ago. I saw you a few times with that beautiful sister of yours and that... manly? brother of yours. He's pretty weird if I do say so myself." Ryan starts laughing when I try using my magic to defend big brother Elf.

"You really think we would allow you to use your magic? That shackle you have on your ankle has a lacrima that is connected to Minerva's and my brains. We can control you and make you do whatever we want." Ryan says and I start randomly doing cartwheels and handstands.

Minerva, clearly unamused, looks at the watch on Ryan's wrist. "It's time." She says standing up in the process and walking up the door, Ryan and me following. We come to the end of an empty alley way. After a few minutes, Juvia walks in, talking to thin air. Ryan and Minerva step out and Juvia starts walking away.

I want to yell for her to run, but they won't let me. Instead, they make me stop Juvia. "Juvia... I'm sorry..." I said before they could make me shut up. A tear rolled down my cheek as I knocked my azure haired friend out.

Hey guys! I honestly had a writer's block for a few days but I came up with this earlier today. I have an idea for another Fairy Tail fan fiction -well, series really- and I wanted to know if you guys think it's a good idea. I'm not writing it until I'm done with this one, but still. So, it would be called "Fairy Chronicles" or something and each book focuses mainly on one ship. So like, the first one would be Nalu, the title would be The Princess and the Dragon or for Rowen, Fire and Air, Jerza would be The Warrior and the Man at Large (XP). don't know. It just came to me. Like a calling from Heaven. Ok, exaggeration right there. Well, anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! I will try to update at least once a week. Thanks for reading!

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