Chapter 8

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A/N Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in question few days. I've been busy getting ready for school and today was actually the first day. I was sooooooooo nervous because it was my first day of 6th grade. Yes, I am only in sixth. Well, I hope you like this chapter!!!!!!!!
(Lucy's POV)
We were all getting ready for the ball when Mira suddenly burst out crying. "Mira-san! What's wrong?" Wendy asked. Mira looked up at Wendy with mascara running down her face.

"I was hoping Laxus would ask me to the dance but he never did. He didn't even talk to me about the dance period." Mira said while tears kept coming out. She had told us before the trip that for a while she has had a thing for Laxus, but she's too scared to tell him. Suddenly Juvia's face went pale.

"Juvia, um, er........" she turned away from Mira not wanting to see her depressed face.

"Juvia...... what is it?" Levy asked. Juvia snapped her head at her and waved her hands back and forth.

"WHAT?! Nothing! Absolutely nothing!! Hehe..." she defended. We all gave her the 'suuuuuurrreee' look while Mira continued sobbing.

" FINE! Juvia knows something that you all don't. Laxus told Gray-sama something he was planning and Gray-sama had to tell someone so he told Juvia." She explained, spilling the beans.

"What is he planning?" We all asked.

"Juvia can't tell you." She responded, crossing her arms and sticking her tongue out playfully.

"Tell us."
"Tell us."
"Tell us."
"Tell us."
"Tell us."

"BY WHO?!?!?!" We shouted.

"LAXUS!!! MY MAVIS WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?" Juvia exclaimed. We all stayed silent until Wendy yelled.

"EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!" We all burst out laughing, even Mira, and were clutching our stomachs.

"Ok *laugh* but Juvia *laugh* still can't tell *giggle* you!" Juvia said in between laughs. We all shrugged and stood up.

"We should keep getting ready. A we have done is our hair and some of our make-up, and we have to fix Mira's." Levy said as she started wiping the mascara off Mira's face.

"Thanks Levy! You're so kind!" Mira said suddenly cheerful. As I grabbed my dress off the bathroom door I started thinking about what Laxus' secret is. I wonder if that's why he was silent and kept staring at Mira this morning. Eh, whatever. I need to hurry. We have to leave in an hour and I still have yet to put on the rest of my make-up and my dress. I ran into my bathroom and closed the door behind me. I put the dress on and started thinking about Natsu. I hope he likes my dress. I actually bought a different dress after he asked me. I got it just for him. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw everyone else in their dresses. I was wearing a salmon pink sleeveless dress with red flames at the bottom, Juvia was wearing a dress that had dark blue at the bottom and faded into a lighter blue as it went up the dress. It had little snowflakes on the edges of her sleeves that went to her elbows, and a slit on the side of her leg the showed her guild mark. Mira was wearing a white sleeveless dress that kissed the floor and had a pale yellow at the bottom. Levy was wearing a yellow dress that stopped at her knees and had sleeves that went to her wrists. It also had some black sparkles randomly placed on the sleeves. Erza was wearing a black dress that barely touched the floor with roses along the bottom and vines wrapped around her. Her only sleeve had a real rose pinned on it. Meredy was wearing her blue cloak but had a pink dress that matched her hair on under it. She was just going to watch her ships pull together, nothing more nothing less. Wendy was wearing a green dress the stopped at her shins and had blue and white swirls that looked like wind on the front. Carla would be wearing a matching dress but in pink if she was not hanging out with Happy and Lily.

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