Chapter 26

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There's only going to a few more chapters- like, 1 or 2- before the epilogue. Just warning you.

     Natsu's POV

     I couldn't think.
     I couldn't move.
     I could only watch as Porlyusica, Wendy, and Chelia ran back and forth between Levy and Lucy while other brought them supplies and worked on the others that got hurt.

     When we got to Fairy Tail, Wendy and Chelia sadly declared the girls dead, but then, even though no one had sent for her, Porlyusica showed up and said that there was still a little bit of hope. So she started working on them. And sure enough, they started breathing again. That had been several hours ago.

     All of the sudden, Wendy fell down on the ground. She was painting and was covered in sweat.

     "She's over worked herself. You, godslayer, put her in an empty bed." Porlyusica pointed at Chelia who quickly nodded and picked up her best friend.

     After several hours, Lily came in with Carla and Happy, all of their eyes puffy.

     "You two should come eat." Lily managed to say as he taped on Gajeel's shoulder. I didn't even realize he was there.

     "No. I'm not leaving Levy until I know she's OK." Gajeel shrugged Lily's paw off his shoulder.

     "Me neither." I shook my head as Happy gave me those pleading eyes. They left, but a few minutes later, the infirmary door flew open and Erza stormed in. She grabbed Gajeel and me by our ears before we could even react and dragged us out of the room.

     It was then that a realized that everyone was there. Everyone. All of the guild's that came to help us. They were all sitting in the guild hall, quite cramped but still worried about two wizards that weren't even in their guild.

     I heard a sniffle beside me and I turned to see Erza holding back tears. "Erza..." I started.

     "No," she wiped away the one tear that escaped. "I'm fine. Go eat." She turned and walked away. Gajeel and I reluctantly moved towards the bar, ignoring the pity stares we were receiving.

     "Can I have some hot wings?" I asked Mira quietly when I sat down. Mira nodded and walked to the kitchen. She came back a few moments later with my wings as well as a bowl of bolts and screws for Gajeel.

     Half way through my wings, Porlyusica came out of the infirmary. Everyone that was sitting instantly stood up and the guild hall went silent as people listened for the old lady's report.

     "Levy has woken up." She announced as she wiped sweat from forehead. Gajeel sprinted up stairs, dodging Porlyusica as he slid into the room.

     "And Lucy?" I asked, starting to worry.

     "Not yet, but I suspect she will soon." A sigh of relief released itself from my body as I turned back to grab one more wing before making my way upstairs.

     I opened the door and saw Gajeel sitting by a half awake Levy, quietly talking to her while holding her hand.
I pulled a chair up to Lucy's bed and sat by her while Chelia used some kind of spell. When she was finished, she fell back into a chair behind her, breathing heavily as sweat rolled down the side of her face.

     "I'm gonna go get some food. Yell if something happens, will ya?." Chelia asked as she stood back up. I nodded as she walked past me.

     "When you wake up, we're getting married right away." I said as I kissed Lucy's hand. I climbed onto her bed and quickly fell asleep.

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