Chapter 9

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A/N Hola fellow fairies! Today was my third day of school and my legs are killing me from walking around. The other day my little sister's friends found a kitten underneath the stairs to their apartment and gave it to us, so now I have a 5 week old kitten named Algernon. I did not come up with the name. Trust me, if it was up to me his name would be Natsu because he is adorable, very hyper, and not the brightest. Anyways I promise Pinkie Pie style that I will put action in this chappie. I cross my heart and hope to fly I stick a cupcake in my eye. If I break this promise stop reading and delete this book from your library. On don't do that. Well, enjoy!
(??? POV)
"Bring me the two fairies. The weakest ones. The two with the most potential. The oyster two capable of eventually defeating me. Bring me Lucy Heartfilia and Levy McGardner."

"Yes master Zeref."
(Lucy's POV)
I walked into the ball room holding Natsu's hand unconsciously with everybody else doing the same. When we got far enough in that we see the whole place we stopped in our tracks and stared in awe and wonder. The place was beautiful. The white marble floors were spotless and matched the marble pillars. The ceiling was a giant mosaic. You could make out baby's and people dancing but it was pretty much abstract. There was a table on the opposite side of the room from the door with food on it. I could tell Natsu noticed it because he started walking towards it, pulling me along with him. "Natsu! Stop! My dress is gonna get ruined and people are staring!" I said with an angry face. It was true. The people who were already there were starting at us weirdly. One of them came up to me looking concerned.

"Ma'am are you ok? Do you need me to call the cops on this man?" They asked pulling her phone out of a little purse she had. I shook my head as Natsu let go of my hand and started stuffing his face.

"No, I'm fine. He just didn't realize he was holding my hand and dragging me along with him as he made a beeline for the food table." I said looking at him annoyed. The lady smiled and turned to walk away but said something before she did.

"Ok, well you and your boyfriend have fun tonight, but be safe. There are dangerous people lurking in the shadows." I was about to correct her about me and Natsu being a........ thing, but it seemed as if she vanished into thin air. I shrugged it off thinking she was just a wizard who used teleportation magic and turned to Natsu who was staring at me with his cheeks filled with food.

"What was that lady talking about? What did she mean by 'there are dangerous people lurking in the shadows'?" Natsu asked once he swallowed, being quite serious. Well, that's new.

"I don't know. We should alert the others to make sure they are careful. We don't know if what that lady said was true or not, or even what it meant. But she was warning us about someone or something, so we should never let our guard down." I said in all seriousness, not mentioning the fact she said we were dating. That is irrelevant right now. Natsu and I started walking around telling our guild mates to be careful. When we got to the bar we found Cana and Bacchus lying on the ground with booze covering them. It looks like they are unconscious, but I think I see a little bit of lipstick on Bacchus' cheek. Ooooooo! Baccana! Oh wait, I can't get sidetracked. I asked the bartender for a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote a note and placed it in Cana's hand that was close, very close, to Bacchus'- you know what? Never mind. We walked away looking around for other people to warn.

" I think we got all of Fairy Tail and lots from the other guilds. All we need to do now is tell master, wherever he is." I said. Natsu nodded and went looking for Gramps. When we found him he was dancing with Ms. Porlyusica. I didn't even know she came.

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