Chapter 15

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A/N Hola peeps. This book has gotten over 300 reads! Andimreallyexcitedbecauseyouallareawesomeandamazingandiloveyouallbecauseyouhavetakenthetimetoreadmybook! I will follow anyone who translates that in the comments. The video in the media is FREAKING AMAZING!! The other day i was up really late watching different Fairy Tail Fight Song AMV's and that one was my favorite. Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

(Lucy's POV)
We all stared at Mavis once again. She just explained everything, and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. We've been in the same spot for 2 hours, to fascinated in the story. I think she forgot we were even there because the whole time she was talking she was staring at the sky.

As we continue staring Mira smiles and starts prancing around. "Hehehe! Zervis! Zervis!" She sang as she jumped and twirled. She continues dancing while we all break out of our tranches and sweat drop.

"Mira, now's not the time." Laxus said and grabbed her arm, preventing her from moving any further. She glared at the dragon slayer holding her arm and turned into Satan Soul.

"You dare come in between me and my ships?! It's always the time for my favorite couples! You dare defy me?! You shall perish!" She said in a deep voice. Laxus widened his eyes and backed away. He's usually not the type to do that, but in this case Mira is terrifying. Note to self: never interrupt the matchmaker while she's fangirling. Mira continued doing he business and the rest of us turned to Mavis. She was still staring at the sky.

"Wait, so Zeref wants to k-k-kill me and Lu-chan?!" Levy asked while hiding behind Gajeel. Mavis was pulled out of her own little world and looked at Levy.

"No, not anymore. He just wants to make sure that the only two people capable of defeating him cannot find the power to do so. There was a seventh man. He was working with the men who killed me. They had known that Zeref would come and they wouldn't be able to collect my magic, so they had another man hiding in the shadows. Once Zeref got me out of the tube and carried me out of the house, the man came out and took the small capsules the magic was being stored in." Mavis closed her eyes and cringed, as if in pain. She continued.

"He was the son of the leader. He took the magic home and gave it to his sick mother. The magic healed her enough so that she could spare the life of the child she had been carrying for nine months. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with blonde hair and brown eyes. Her name was Layla. 4 days after Layla was born the woman died. Many years later that last of Layla's family died, leaving her the last Heartfilia. The magic her mother consumed before she was born gave Layla eternal life. She hid in the shadows for many years and eventually came upon and young woman in lost in the forest.

"The woman had been camping with he husband when they were attacked by forest Vulcans. She had somehow survived but her spouse didn't. Layla healed her by giving the woman some of her magic. Later on the woman gave birth to a beautiful blue haired girl name Levy. Layla had found a man for herself, but couldn't keep her past behind her. She told the man about everything that happened to her. They got married but used Heartfilia, Layla's last name, instead of going with customs and using the man named Jude's last name. They gave birth to a lovely child who looked exactly like her mother, Lucy Heartfilia. When Layla 'died' her soul still lingered and forever will be. The eternal life wasn't really eternal life. She lived a long life but only her soul will be here eternally." Mavis explained.

"The letters Lucy writes to her mother connects to Layla's spirit. If anything happens to those, her spirit will no longer be with us, giving Lucy almost all the power to defeat Zeref. Since Layla gave Levy's mother some of her magic Levy contains some of the magic to defeat Zeref. Layla's soul sealed off all the magic into the thing- or should of say things- this solid script mage loves. Her nakama. If anything happens to this photo album full of pictures of her family her power will be released.

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