Chapter 14

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A/N I'm crying. I'm literally crying. There are legit tears streaming down my face. Why, you ask? BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE ARE AMAZING, THAT'S WHY!!!! This book has gotten over 250 reads. My older sis says that it's not much, but she has like over 3 million reads on her books so if course she would say it's not much. But it's a lot to me. As a thank you gift I will follow anyone who comments in this chapter. Thank you all. You are all beautiful fairies. Well, I hope you-a likie-a this chap-a-ter!

(Lushee's POV)
We all gapped at Mavis. Did she just say what I think she said? "Mavis, what are you talking about?" Natsu ask full of curiosity. Well, we all are but I think he would be the most interested, considering the fact that Mavis said her last name was really Dragneel.

"I'll explain more later. Can we just get out of here? We should probably get these shackles off before Minerva realizes we escaped a tries controlling us with them." Mavis suggested. They all nodded while Levy and I sat down on the ground next to Mavis. Natsu took my chains off, Erza got Levy's, and Gray got Mavis'. It was not in the neatest way. Let's just say I have severe burn marks on my ankle, Levy has 1inch deep cuts, and Mavis has frost bite. I didn't know she cod get frost bite. Huh. We learn something knew everyday.

"Sorry about that Luce." Natsu apologized for giving me 3rd degree burns.

"It's ok Natsu. I just need to put medicine on the-" I was cut off by a little girl with long blue hair running up to me and kneeling down to my ankles. There was a bright green and blue light and then the girl stood up.

"Thank you Wendy!" I thanked while admiring my know perfectly smooth ankle. Wendy nodded and ran to heal Levy and Mavis. We started making our way out of the room when Wendy, Romeo, and the Exceeds (even Frosch and Lector) burst out crying and engulfed me, Mavis and Levy into a hug.

"WE THOUGHT WE'D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" The eyed through tears. This made everyone else cry because of the adorableness. I hugged them back, with tears threatening to spill. Cuteness overload.

"Of course you would see us again! Did you guys give up on the team?" I asked. They all shook their heads and pulled away. We started walking down the long hallways again but this time Levy, Mavis and I were in the middle of everyone, probably to be protected. After a series of twists and turns we came to a halt in front of a stone wall. Master looked straight up with an exhausted look on his face. It was a long walk and eventually I summoned Horologium to carry me. Wendy, Romeo, and Frosch had fallen asleep and were being carried by Carla, Natsu, and Rogue. Master pointed upwards. "We need to go up there."

"But how? It is so high up and Juvia cannot wall jump." Juvia asked. Master gave her a mischievous smile and climbed on top of Gray.

"Hey! Ow! What the heck Gramps?!" Gray asked as master pulled on some of his hair.

"Sorry my child. Just wait." Master said. He stuck his head in the whole and looked upwards. "JET! DROY!!!" He shouted. Two heads appeared above the hole.

"GUYS ITS THE GANG!" Jet shouted. "DID YOU GET THE GIRLS?!?!?!?" Droy asked.

"Yes. Now Droy, can you please make a vine for us to climb up?" Master asked. Dory nodded and made a think vine for us to climb.

"What about the kids? We can't carry them on our backs up the hole. They'll fall." Natsu asked.

"That's where Jet comes in. Jet, can you please run down the walls and carry the youngins up?" Master ordered more than asking. Jet bobbed his head up and down and ran down the walls. He took Wendy and Romeo, hugged Levy for a good 60 seconds, and then ran back up. We started climbing the vines and the Exceeds decided to carry me, Levy and Mavis. When we reached the top we started slowly piling out of the whole only to be greeted by all the guilds tackling us. I almost got squashed but Happy pulled me out. 1 by 1 the Exceeds saved everyone. Wow, we were all saved by cats 1/4 of our size.....

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