Chapter 17

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A/N Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm gonna try to get back on track, so about one chapter a week. I'm honestly freaking out right now because of a minecraft video I just watched. Anyone who watches Minecraft Diaries and is all caught up will understand. Well, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter!

(Lucy's POV)
I woke up in my warm, comfy bed. I sit up and look around, confused as to how I got here. I see Gray, Wendy, Erza, Natsu, Levy, Mira, Juvia, and the Exceeds scattered around my apartment.

They're all asleep, although some look more peaceful than others. Wendy, Carla, Lily, and Happy are lying on the couch with a blanket from my closet, and everyone else is on the floor. It's pretty obvious who's comfortable and who's not (Hint: Wendy and the Exceeds are the comfortable people and ca- err... talking flying wizard cats from Edolas- to be exact, Extalia...or however you spell it) .

I smile at my not-so-perfect group of friends. I look around once more and notice that Natsu and Gray are... cuddling?! Natsu. Is. Hugging. Gray. And. Gray. Is. Hugging. Natsu. I think I'm still dreaming, so I pinch my self. When nothing happens I silently giggle and start taking pictures with a random phone I found on the ground. After I'm done fan-girling over Gratsu I realize someone's missing missing besides Laxus and Gajeel. I notice a small piece of paper on my bedside table and pick it up.

Hey Lucy,
Sorry I left without telling anyone. It was important. My beloved guild of 2 was calling me in need of help! Literally. Jellal called me saying he needed help getting the toast out of the toaster... Anyways I didn't want to wake anyone. You all looked semi-peaceful. And also because I didn't want to ruin Natsu and Gray's 'little moment'. Hehehe! Well, I'll see ya round Lucy!

Awww. Meredy left. Well, Jellal needed her help. I look away from the note and back at Natsu and see Happy and Wendy
sitting by his head, staring down at him confused.

Wendy looks up and stares straight into my eyes. "Lucy-San, why is Natsu-San hugging Gray?" She asks. I shrug and take more pictures. Happy comes to sit on my lap and snuggles into my arm.

"Lushee, I don't think that's our Natzu. I think it's a poser." Happy says in a sleepy voice.

"I agree." Just as I say that everyone else but Natsu and Gray wake up and stare at them dumbfounded. Erza, Levy, Juvia, and Lily pull out their phones and starts taking pictures while Mira prances around, celebrating her new favorite ship.

"Gratsu is the best! They may be in the way of Nalu and Gruvia, but it's so beautiful!" Mira says in a sing-song voice. She accidentally kicks Gray and he wakes up.

"What the heck M-.... WHY IN THE NAME OF MAVIS AM I TOUCHING NATSU?!?!?!?!?!?" Gray screeches and jumps up, slightly pulling Natsu up with him. Somehow Natsu slept through that, and since his arms were wrapped around Gray's neck, he is now slowly sliding down Gray's bare chest. Gray looks at us horrified because we're taking pictures of what looks like Natsu kissing Gray. I bad fallen on the floor in laughter and now had tears streaming down my face.

"This *giggle* is *snort* HILARIOUS!!" I can't hold anything in anymore. I start rolling around on the floor, not being able to control my laughter. Gray tries peeling Natsu's arms off but he keeps getting burnt.

"Gah! He's so hot! But only when I try to get him off of me!" Gray cries out in despair. We all stop laughing and don't move, trying to comprehend what he just said. Gray stares at his dumbfounded, not realizing what he said.


"Did you..."

"Just say..."


"OH MY GOSH GRAY SAID NATSU WAS HOT!!!!!" We all burst out laughing, dropping everything we have and start rolling around. What makes this even more funny is that during all this Natsu hasn't woken up, Gray's underwear disappeared, and Natsu's face is rubbing up against what Gray's underwear WAS hiding.

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