Chapter 10

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A/N Hey Guys! I would like to give a shout out to my best friend Abby because even though I moved freaking 20 hours away she was still an awesome person. She is a hard core fairy tail fan..... she is literally obsessed. She got to episode 113 is 4 days. She's gone a little coo-coo crazy but she took the time to read my book. Also if you like Ricky Dillon, Trevor Moran, and the rest of what used to be O2L my sister is writing a series about them. If you want to read the books her username is AndrayaLinton. Thanks! Enjoy this chappie!

(Natsu's POV)
Stripper and I were searching the ball room when both of our amulets started to glow and vibrate. Figuring it meant someone found Luce we ran back to the meeting area. "Flame brain, how worried were you?" Popsicle Princess asked.

"Very worried. Gray, I love her. I know I've already told you a million times but I really do. I can't stand the though of her being in trouble." I said in all seriousness. His eyes widened in surprise. I guess it was because I called him by his actual name. Well, I guessed wrong I heard squealing coming from behind me. I turned around and saw an unconscious Mira on the floor, Meredy and Wendy jumping up and down squealing, Erza ordering a wedding cake, Juvia looking on Pintrest for a wedding dress, and the boys trying to get the girls to calm down. Well, except Laxus who was trying to wake up Mira. But something was off and I could tell Gajeel felt it too. I looked around at the group and realized Levy and Lucy were missing.

"Guys where's Luce and Levy?" I asked. They all went silent.

"I don't know." They all said.

"Well, who tapped the amulet? It wasn't me or Gray." I asked. They all widened their eyes.

"You called him by his real name! Who are you and where's the real Natsu?!" Romeo asked.

"I'm the real Natsu. I'm just really worried. Anyways, who tapped the amulet?" I asked again.

"Not us." Erza said referring to her search party.

"Us neither." Romeo said.

"Juvia's group did not." Juvia said.

"Then that means Levy, who is not here yet, did. Besides me and flame brain, she was the closest one here. Unless she found Lucy in a different bathroom. Nonetheless we should check the bathrooms, but this time stay as a group." Gray suggested. We all nodded our heads in agreement and started walking out the doors to the nearest bathroom. When we got there Erza and Juvia went in and came back out within seconds with pale faces. Juvia had tears running down her face and Erza covered her mouth with one of her hands and in the other she held a piece of paper with blood on it. We all stiffened and waited for Erza to read the paper. With shaking hands, she slowly lifted to paper to her face.

"I-if you f-fariy f-flies w-w-want to see y-your precious Levy and Lucy again, y-y-you'll have t-t-to find us. Sincerely, Minerva Orland." She said in a shaky voice.

"Guys, she signed in blood. This l-l-letter was surrounded by blood and on the m-mirror, in blood, it said 'how d-does it f-feel to see your l-l-loved ones b-b-blood?' A-and Juvia f-f-found th-th-these ." She motioned us to look at Juvia who was holding out all of Lucy's keys. We were all crying by now and couldn't believe it.

I went up to a wall and punched it, making a hole in the wall. I lit my whole body on fire, not caring what I burned, and walked around in a daze trying to find master. Everyone followed but Wendy and Romeo were crying so much Jellal and Laxus had to carry them. I kept my whole body lit and walked around, not really listening to anyone. Lucy, the one I love, could be dead for all I know. I found master and tried telling him what happened but I couldn't.

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