Chapter 27

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Natsu's POV
It's silent, other than the quiet sobs. I ran out of actual tears long ago, but I've continued to sit in this position, shaking from anger, fear, and sadness combined.

Porlyusica comes in. "Sit up, boy." She demands. I reluctantly move my head as she starts pulling the blanket up over Lucy's face.

Lady Porlyusica reashes to pull the plug. Beeeeeeeeeep beep beep. The heart monitor starts beeping again. Slowly, but still working. We all stare at it, trying to decide if we're dreaming or not.

I swiftly remove the blanket and see Lucy's chest subtlety moving up and down. The movement was so slight that if you weren't paying close enough attention, you would miss it.

She's alive.

Time skip: 3 months later

A week after Lucy "came back to life", Porlyusica declared that she was in a coma and had no clue when she would wake up, if ever. So we all decided to throw the wedding, even though Lucy wasn't awake for it.

It was just a small ceremony in the infirmary. If Lucy ever wakes up, we can have an actual, fancy wedding. I just couldn't stand the thought of not being married to her. And I'm glad I did.

Lucy has been getting worse and hasn't shown any signs of recovery. In fact, two days after the wedding,her foot turned black and it's been spreading. We didn't tell the guild; only Erza, Gray, Happy, Lily, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Levy, Master and I know. Porlyusica and Chelia have absolutely no clue what it is and Levy, who got finished recovery a month ago, hasn't been able to find anything. I just hope this whole thing blows over.

The heart monitor starts speeding up. I grab Lucy's hand and slowly rub circles on the top. We found that this is able to stop her heart from going too fast. It's also why I think that she hears and feels everything; she just can't wake up.

"Hey Lu-"

"NATSU!!" The infirmary door flies open. "Come quick!!!" Erza runs in followed by Juvia.

"But Lu-" once again, I was cut off

"Juvia will watch Lucy-san." The bluenett speaks up. Erza garbs my hand and runs out of the room, dragging my slow ass behind.

She pulls me into the guild library where I see everyone who knows about Lucy's condition surrounding Levy. "Got him." Erza says in a breathy voice as she hunches over, worn out from running that fast.

"OK now what was so important that you had to drag me away from my unconscious wife?" I ask, a little annoyed. I walk to the crowd and stand next to the sitting bookworm.

"I think I might have figured out what the black stuff is." She points to a picture in her book. It was a very old drawing of an injured person, most of thier body black.

"It says here that when one's soul is corrupted with dark magic, they will either die, be put in a comma they will never wake up from," she subtly glanced at me. "Or go completely insane. If there is not enough good in their heart, they will instantly die. If they have never been affected by black magic, they will go insane, but if they have, they will go into a comatose state." Levy takes a break, allowing this new information to sink in. It's silent for a while as we try to comprehend this.

"So then why aren't you in a comma or going insane?" Gray asks.

"I'm getting to it." Levy says as she turns back to the book. She skims through a little bit of the foreign writing and stops at a point.

"This may be cured, but it must happen immediately. If the infected person is kissed by their soul mate within 30 seconds of being infected, there is a chance the magic could leave the body."

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