Part 4 || Busy

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Papa bear: Hey guys. In one hour we have training, don't forget! And tomorrow training will start early at 8 am!

Papa bear: And next week we'll go to two charity events so you won't have two days off.

Papa bear: And btw, you'll have the week after next off, you can have a vacation if you want.

Marcelo: OMG! Really? That's great!

Papa bear: Lol nope! Just wanted to make sure you're getting my texts.

Isco: You're mean! :'(

Papa bear: And you're all babies. Now go get ready for training.

Isco: Okay.

Papa bear: And why is my screenname Papa bear again?

Marcelo: Still Sergio's fault.

Sergio: Not this time.

Dani: Actually that was me.

Papa bear: Why?

Dani: Just for fun.

Papa bear: Okay. Now change it back.

Dani: I can, but I won't. Bye.

[Dani is now offline]

Lucas S: That will be an anger party in training.

Marcelo: Speaking of which...

Marcelo: When's the PARTY?!ヽ(^。^)ノ

Pepe: No Celo. There's no party.

Marcelo: Okay fine ╯_╰ Bye.

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