Part 27 || Playlist

363 22 1

Karim: GUYS!!! Very important!

Karim: Where are you?!?!?!

Karim: ANSWER!!!!

Sergio: Puta 😱 what do you want?

Luka: This better be worth it. I was napping.

Karim: If we had a playlist for the team, which songs would be in it? 🤔

Lucas V: I will murder you as soon as I see you 😠

Karim: But seriously, what songs describe our team most?

Cristiano: The Boss (ft. Zinedine Zidane) 😎

Sergio: Call It Luck (Culés Diss) 😉

Marcelo: Always On Top (ft. Cristiano Ronaldo) 🔝

Gareth: Magic (ft. Luka Modric) 🌟

Pepe: In My Pocket (ft. Casemiro & Kovacic) 🕵

Luka: Catch Me If You Can (ft. Gareth Bale) 🏃

Lucas V: Pardon My French (ft. Benzema & Varane) 🇫🇷

Martin: Bald Gangs (ft. Pepe) 🌝


Alvaro: Damn savage 😂😂😂😂

Lucas V: Nice one Martin 😂

Pepe: Odegaard I will skin you alive 😡

Martin: I wanna see you try 😆

Jonas: I'm laughing way too much at this 😂😂😂

Martin: Actually, I apologise. Pepe has hair now 😊

Pepe: Good boy

Martin: DO I LOOK LIKE A DOG TO YOU?!?!?!?! 😲

Logan: I want a dog 😢

Jonas: After the chicks incident, you're not allowed to have any pets

Sergio: What chicks incident?

Luka: TELL ME!!! 😀


Jonas: I'll gladly tell them 😃

Logan: I'll personally castrate you if you do 😡

Jonas: You're in a different coutry. You can't do shit 😊

Cristiano: Will you tell us already!

Jonas: When Logan and I were 3 years old, our mum bought us some chicks. They were four chicks if I remember right

Logan: Please stop 😣

Jonas: No one knew what was going on in Logan's head when she put the four chicks in a box and sat on them

Alvaro: Holy shit 😨

Isco: Why did you do that?!?!?!

Logan: The dumb chicks woke me up that morning by picking at my face 😢


Logan: Shut up 😒

Jonas: That was hilarious. Imagine waking up to the sound of Logan crying and saying that the chicks were eating her face 😂😂😂

Sergio: 😂

Lucas V: 😂

Cristiano: 😂

Gareth: 😂

Luka: 😂

Toni: 😂

Carlos: 😂

Marcelo: 😂

Pepe: 😂

Alvaro: 😂

Isco: 😂

Mateo: 😂

Keylor: 😂

Logan: Half of you wasn't even here. Did you just show up to laugh?! 😫

Toni: Yes 😆

Karim: Now back to the main point

Toni: Which was...?

Karim: The playlist is great. I'm impressed

Gareth: Thank you, thank you

Cristiano: I would definitely listen to that

Marcelo: I'll add them to our dressing room playlist

Zidane: Please don't anything to the playlist. It already sounds terrible now.

Sergio: You just come to the groupchat to ruin our fun. ALL THE TIME 😒

Enzo: Wasn't his name The Boss or something like that?

Sergio: I changed it

Marco: Why?

Sergio: Because I can

Logan: My answer whenever I argue with the little bro 😎

Martin: Who?

Logan: Jonas 🙂

Jonas: I'm 6 minutes younger than you. That does NOT make me your little brother 😒

Logan: 6 minutes or six years. I still came here first

Jonas: Very mature 😑

Nacho: Teenage siblings are a pain 😫

Dani: I don't have any 🙌

Lucas V: Haven't heard from you two in a while 🤔

Dani: I'm not interested enough 🙄

Nacho: I was mostly napping all the time 😪

James: I just woke up 😊

Isco: Teenagers in general are a pain

Cristiano: I agree

Martin: But you still love us 🙄

Pepe: You wish 😒



Project "Tap" is cancelled. It takes a lot of work to publish parts on both apps, and here I have better control on content. So there won't be anything published on Tap.

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