Part 30 || Post-date

317 21 5

Logan: Happy birthday Lucas! All the best for you 🤗

Lucas V: Thank you. You're so sweet 😁

Logan: I wish I had a picture of me with you to post it like the rest 🙁

Lucas V: Me too. We really want to see you

Sergio: We took pictures with him. It's not that special

Lucas V: Liar. You love it 😐

Cristiano: Meh

Luka: I didn't post a picture with him

Isco: You barely post anything at all

Gareth: He only posts pictures of his kids

Luka: They're the best thing in the world 😄

Toni: I agree 😊

Nacho: Says the guy who never posted a picutre of his kids

Toni: I meant the kids not posting their pictures 😒

Alvaro: I want to have kids 😀

Marcelo: So you can lose them like you lost Isco?

Alvaro: Nevermind 😒

Pepe: Where did you find him anyway?

Alvaro: Watching the fish in a pet store

James: Wtf?! 😂😂😂

Isco: They were weird. I was really attracted to them

Toni: Someone's missing 🤔

Cristiano: Oh no! Who did you lose? 😦

Toni: No one. I meant from the groupchat

Cristiano: Ah. Who?

Dani: Cris, are you in peace?

Cristiano: Yes

Lucas S: Then who is missing?

Cristiano: The team's baby 😨

Martin: You're a baby. I'm not 😒


Martin: Meh

James: So now that you're here, when's your date?

Martin: Last night

Sergio: What?! 😨

Isco: Why didn't you tell us?

Martin: Surprise, I guess?

Keylor: How did it go

Martin: Terrible

Logan: It was awful

Carlos: Why?! What happened? 😢

Martin: Ask the one who ruined it

Logan: YOU'RE BALMING ME?!?!?! 😱

Martin: It was your fault

Logan: No it wasn't

Martin: Yes it was

Karim: That bad? 😲

Martin: Yes

Cristiano: Really? 😔

Logan: Nah we're just messing with you 😂

Martin: It was great 😄

James: You almost gave me a heart attack 😩

Ruben: Where did you go? ☺

Nacho: Ruben keeping up with us two times in a row is a true blessing 😛

Ruben: It's what the people want 😋

Logan: We went to a carnival 🙂

Cristiano: Awww so cute 😍

Martin: Then the beach

Isco: Romantic! 😍

Logan: Yeah, so romantic to have sand between your toes and on your butt, and to somehow take some home with you

Sergio: They get stuck in shoes

Logan: I was wearing sandals 😒

Sergio: Oh. Whoops!

Marcelo: Did he win you something? 😉

Martin: No. She wouldn't let me

Logan: I can win whatever I want


Logan: Next time? ☺

Martin: Okay 😊

Lucas V: This is so adorable 😍

Dani: Please get married already 😍😭

Martin: We just went on our first date. Slow down

Logan: 😂

Nacho: My daughter just put a key in the power outlet 😫

Zidane: Teach her not to

Pepe: Make her see it's dangerous

Nacho: I did but sHE JUST DID IT AGAIN

Isco: Parenting at its best 👏

Dani: Bitch you let your son throw shoes from the second floor of your house. Is that good parenting?!

Isco: He was having fun

James: Toys. . . . toys

Cristiano: Didn't you teach him that football cleats are used to kick a football not to be thrown from the second floor like trash? 😒

Lucas V: If I have kids, I'll keep them away from yours

Sergio: And from you

Isco: Now you're all good fathers? 😑

Logan: I'm not

Jonas: I want to throw a brick on your face 😡

Logan: Be a man and do it 😏

Jonas: Mom and dad will probably feed me my hands and two feet if I did so just know that I want to

James: Scared of mommy and daddy? 😂

Jonas: Scared of jail for attempted murder 😐

James: Point taken 😶


This part is short and probably sucks bcuz I was tired af and sleep was just a utopian concept to me while writing it. But it's something, right? 😅

It was written a few days ago btw.

Enjoy it if you can 😛

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