Part 25 || Normal

439 26 16

~James added Logan to the groupchat~

~James addes Martin to the groupchat~

Lucas V: Martin do your thing.

Martin: Don't tell me what to do 😐

Cristiano: Stop being a bitch, please.

Martin: K.

Martin: I'm really sorry Logan. I didn't mean to annoy you.

Logan: That's fine 😊

Gareth: Good. Now, Logan, how's your life? How's college?

Logan: Not so good. I like it and all, but stress is not good for a baby.

James: Holy shit 😱

Marcelo: WHAT BABY?!?!?!?! 😲😨

Logan: Me. I'm the baby. 😶

Lucas V: Almost gave me a heart attack 😭

Logan: Idiots 😑

Luka: Now little Lucas will go to his room and write in his pink diary that Logan almost startled him 🙂

Lucas V: Luka, I will pull your golden locks with tweasers next time I see you 😐

Luka: You can't 😎

Logan: I had a diary once 😊

Sergio: Okay...?

Logan: My brother read it 😊

Pepe: So?

Logan: I had a brother once 🙂

Marco: WTF?! Kick her out 😲

Logan: I'm just kidding. I never had a diary.

Marcelo: What about a brother?

Logan: I do. His name's Jonas.

Alvaro: You're not Spanish? 🤔

Logan: No, we're German 🇩🇪

Toni: HEY!!!

Luka: How do you just appear out of nowhere when your country is mentioned? 🤔

Toni: I was reading. I didn't find any suitable place to talk except now 🙂

Marco: Poor you.

Isco: Supppp?!!! I just woke up 😋

James: Can you return to bed please? We don't need your stupidity here right now 😛

Dani: 😂😂😂😂😂

Isco: Look who's talking 😑

James: Who?

Cristiano: Omg 😧

Logan: I have a joke for you James.

James: Go ahead.

Logan: Why did the chicken cross the road?

James: Seriously? 😑

Logan: Just try.

James: I dunno. Why?

Logan: To get to the idiot's house 😋

James: Try another one.

Logan: Fine. Knock knock.

Luka: This should be good.

James: Who'se there?

Logan: The chicken 😎

Luka: There it is 😂

Gareth: That was hilarious 😂😂😂😂

Cristiano: Good one Logan.

Logan: 😄

James: I didn't like that 😢

Logan: Awwww. It's just a joke. Just trying to lighten the mood.

Martin: James isn't stupid. He just gets distracted a lot.

James: True.

Sergio: Anymore jokes, Logan?

Gareth: Logan.

Cristiano: Logan.

Lucas V: LOGAN!!! F***ING ANSWER!!!!!!!

Logan: Can you just wait for a sec? I'm trying to take a picture of a hot guy. Relax 🙄

Isco: How rude.

Alvaro: What is?

Isco: Sneaking a picture of someone.

Dani: And aren't you dating Martin? 🤔

Martin: Dani we've been over this. LOGAN AND I ARE NOT DATING. Is it clear for everyone?


James: Karma 🙄

Logan: This was terrible 😖

Alvaro: It happens when you're stealing pictures 😛

Logan: Hey, he's hot. Can't blame me for that 🙄

Lucas V: Yes we can. It's not nice to sneak pictures of strangers.

Logan: He's not a stranger, he's my classmate 😆

Cristiano: Doesn't make it any better.

Logan: Well it didn't work, so just stop the moral lesson 😅

Toni: Please do. I'm really bored.

James: Go torture a goat ☺

Martin: 🤗

James: 😄

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