Part 8 || What A Poem!

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Isco: I just wrote a poem.

Luka: Cool! What is it?

Sergio: This should be interesting.

Isco: In a calm night
Under the light of the moon
Between the hills
And the green woods...
A lizard died!

Dani: What the hell?!

Sergio: Told ya.

Gareth: That was tragic!

Cristiano: Not as tragic as your face. Lol!

Gareth: C'mon bro, that was uncalled for! :(

Cristiano: Your face is uncalled for! B)

Sergio: Hahahahaha

Pepe: LOL!

Luka: Back to the poem. Why did you write it?

Dani: What inspired it?

Isco: My awesome sense of humor.

Denis: What sense of humor?

Lucas: The sense of humor as existant as his hair.

Isco: Can you stop being so mean! :'(

Cristiano: LOL!

Sergio: LOL!

Pepe: LOL!

Gareth: LOL!

Luka: LOL!

Marcelo: LOL!

Dani: LOL!

Lucas: LOL!

Denis: LOL!

Gareth: Hey, where's the rest of the squad?

Isco: NO! No one else needs to share in this.

Keylor: We're just silently enjoying this.

Isco: I hate you all! :(

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