Part 32 || Good-bye

418 18 6

~Pepe was removed from the groupchat~

~Danilo was removed from the groupchat~

~Enzo was removed from the groupchat~

Logan: There goes my heart 😭

Raphael: What about Alvaro and Mariano?

Sergio: Oh, right

~ Alvaro was removed from the groupchat~

~ Mariano was removed from the groupchat~

Logan: I hate this 😒

Marcelo: We all do

Zidane: 🙄

Luca: Dad leave 😂

Isco: GUYS! I need advice

Marco: Later

Isco: But noooooo 😣

Dani: Go away. No one has time for you

Isco: I hate you

Ruben: Advice about what?

Isco: Nevermind. I already did the stupid thing

Cristiano: Why am I not surprised? 😂

James: Isco you dropped something

Isco: My keys?

James: Your standards


Lucas: BURNNNNN 🔥🔥🔥

Isco: Why are you all so mean? 😢

Keylor: Boredom does things

Luka: Where are the little ones?

Marcos: Who?

Toni: Logan, Jonas, and Martin

Theo: In their own lives maybe 🙄

Dani: Lives? What lives? They don't have lives without us 😂

Jesus: I don't know about the twins but I remember Martin is also a footballer 🙂

Sergio: He's probably just asleep

Cristiano: He has the same sleep schedule as a baby

Gareth: True 😂

Marco: Putas you forgot to add someone back 😒

Marcelo: Who?

Nacho: Borja 😐

Isco: 😲

Sergio: Lol woops 😅

Karim: I'm on it

~Borja Mayoral was added to the groupchat~

Borja: Took you long enough 😑

Marcelo: Sorry 😆


Dani: So?


Kiko: You can't go a day without talking to Martin, right? 😒

Cristiano: RIGHT 😨

Ruben: This means the world is ending 🤔

Toni: Is there someone on our team named Kevin?

Ceballos: No

Toni: Oh


~Toni added Kevin to the groupchat~

Gareth: Toni who's Kevin? 😨

Toni: I don't know 😖

Marcelo: Who dis?

Kevin: What dis?

Sergio: Who iz u? 😐

Kevin: Kevin

Nacho: We kinda guessed that 😒

Lucas: Toni, who dis?

Toni: I don't have a last name. Just Kevin

Kevin: Trapp

Toni: Ohhhhh

Cristiano: Ultimate facepalm 😫

Toni: No wonder I have you in my contacts 😅

Kevin: Nice knowing you all. I'm out ✌

Toni: Bye Kev 😅

~Kevin left the groupchat~

Logan: Toni this is your biggest fail yet 😕

Martin: Did I miss something? ☺

Martin: Or did someone miss me? 😏

Luka: They're back 🙄

Jonas: Hallo 😁

Cristiano: Where were you? 😯

Martin: Nike photoshoot

Raphael: And the twins?

Jonas: Watching

Lucas: You're with him?

Logan: Yup

Marco: Why tho?

Logan: Because I want to 😑

Marcelo: Awww Lortin are together 😍

Martin: If I break up with her it's because of you idiots and this stupid ship name 😒

Sergio: Take a picture 😍

Martin: No

Luka: Moody bitch 😑

Martin: Fight me 😑

Sergio: Martin, don't

Martin: Why not? 🙂

Keylor: Jail's no fun, kid. I'll tell you that

Jonas: You've been to jail?

Keylor: Once. In monopoly

Marcos: Someone take his phone away

Cristiano: Why is this so funny?!?! 😂😂😂

Logan: It's our specialtiy 😊

Martin: More like our nature

James: Ha! Right 🙄

Martin: Fight me 😐

Gareth: Stop fighting everyone you squirrel 😒

Martin: 🙁

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