Part 16 || Arguing

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Logan: I just finished finals, and I'm back!

Sergio: Good to know.

Luka: What's with the attitude?

Sergio: There's no attitude. You're dellusional 😑

Logan: FIGHT!!!

Martin: ^such a hostile kid.


Martin: Sorry!

Isco: DATE!!!

Logan: Nope.

Martin: #no

Isco: #whynot?

Martin: #ihaveagirlfriend

Logan: #imapotato

Toni: #stopit

Logan: Okay.

Martin: Logan, it's not okay. It's K!

Cristiano: Martin, you'll be kicked out of the group, and if you, Logan, act like him, you'll be too!

Gareth: Cristiano, stop being such a kid, arguing with people half your age.

Marcelo: ^true.

Cristiano: Whatever.

Martin: Aaaaaaand he's at it again!

Sergio: Behave.

Martin: I always behave, but annoying Cristiano is fun.

Gareth: I agree.

Pepe: We all agree.

James: I'M BACK!!!

Isco: Good to know.

Toni: Can you all stop arguing like little kids?!

Alvaro M: Is this^guy somehow related to Iker?!

Sergio: Well... He is the saint of the team. Iker was San Iker. So they might be 😀

Pepe: Yes, Sergio. That makes perfect sense.

Martin: That's how fights start.

Marcelo: We don't fight.

Luka: We discuss.

Sergio: We're not kids.

Cristiano: We're adults, unlike you and Logan.

Martin: Riiiiight!

Logan: Dude, do you want to be kicked out of the group?

Martin: I'm fine.

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