Part 10 || Rules

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Marcelo: Hey guys!

Cristiano: Supp!

Marcelo: I'm in a partying mood. Who's with me?

Sergio: I am!

Alvaro: You're in a different country Serg. You can't throw a party.

Sergio: Don't call me serg. And we can throw a party at my house when I get back.

Marcelo: Works for me.

Cristiano: Then let's start planning!

Sergio: Okay. But I got a few house rules, though.

Pepe: What are they?

Sergio: You can't use the front door, you have to climb in through the back window. No personal phone conversations. If you ever speak to me in Spanish, please address me with the formal "usted". And no electricity after 6:00 pm. Also, if you ever watch a sad movie, you have to wear mascara so we can see whether or not you've been crying. There's no noise allowed at night. And no TV after dinner time.

Denis: What the actual hell?!

Sergio: Oh! And no Martin. No minors allowed.

Martin: Don't worry about me. It's too lame for me anyways.

Marcelo: Excuse you, young man! That's not how you speak to an adult.

Martin: Based on those "house rules", he isn't much of an adult.

Lucas: Very true.

Casemiro: I don't think anyone wants to go to such a dead party.

Marcelo: Sergio you suck. I don't feel like partying anymore.

Martin: See! So lame even Marcelo doesn't want to party.

Toni: And he ALWAYS wants to party.

Martin: I remember he threw me a welcoming party when I arrived to the club, but didn't invite me 'cuz I'm "too young".

Cristiano: He did that for all of us.

Gareth: Except that we were invited.

Luka: I wasn't!

Isco: You're as short as a minor.

Toni: Look who's talking!

Cristiano: I think Martin is even taller than you.

Martin: I am.

Marcelo: Then let's agree: Luka and Martin are minors and aren't allowed to attend our parties.

Cristiano: We all agree.

Luka: I don't even care.

Martin: If Sergio is in charge of the party, I wouldn't think of going.

Denis: I agree. Your rules are terrible.

Pepe: No more Sergio parties.

Cristiano: Agreed.

Gareth: Who hired you to speak for all of us?!

Toni: Anyone can speak as long as it is not Sergio.

Martin: Even me? :)

Cristiano: No.

Martin: K bye! :(

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