Part 20 || Pep Talk

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Isco: Is anyone going to give a pep talk before the season starts?

Marcelo: Sergio should do it. Y'know, team captain and all.

Sergio: Yeah... I got nothing.

Cristiano: Captian of the year, ladies and gentlemen! 😒

Luka: Go ahead, Isco. You do it.

Isco: Well... Just be careful. Don't die.

Gareth: Wow! We're all bloody inspired! 😒

Isco: It's not my position to do it. I wasn't born for that.

Lucas: And apparently, neither was our team captain himself.

Dani: Yep. Sergio, you suck.

Martin: Never seen such a shitty captain before.

Cristiano: Who put you in charge of that?

Sergio: Team president.

James: Then he didn't do a very good job.

Sergio: Isco I will kill you 😡

Isco: What the hell did I do? 😦

Sergio: You started this whole mess.

Keylor: Actually, thank you Isco for opening our eyes to see the pathetic excuse of a captain we have.

James: 😂😂😂

Martin: Maybe they should change him.

Sergio: Maybe you should shut up.

Martin: You talkin to me?!

Sergio: Yes, you dumb blond. I'm talking to you.

Toni: Excuse you. That was not nice.

Luka: Yes. If Martin is stupid, that doesn't mean all blonds are.

Martin: HEY!!! I'm not stupid 😦

Luka: We're not saying that.

Toni: We're just saying that a part doesn't define the whole.

Marcelo: Damn Toni. Are you a philosopher by any chance.

Cristiano: That touched me on a whole new level.

James: No, it didn't. You probably didn't even read it.

Marcelo: The only thing he reads is only what contains his name.

Cristiano: Not true. I read all the texts on the groupchat.

James: So... no pep talk?

Gareth: James, please go bury your head in whole or something.

Marcelo: Ostriches do that, right?

Sergio: Oh look! There is something under all that hair.

Marcelo: You're really mean today. And rude.

Sergio: I don't care. Deal with it.

Luka: What's with all the fighting today?

Gareth: Isco started it.

Isco: Sure. Blame me 😒

Keylor: We are blaming you.



Keylor: I have nothing else to do. And I'm bored.

Martin: Is this entertainment good enough for you master?

James: Woah! Where did this sass come from?!

Cristiano: For once, Martin. Stop acting like a 12-year-old bitch.

Marcelo: 🔥🔥🔥

Martin: It takes one to know one, right? 😎

Toni: That's a perfect of example of teenagers right there.

Pepe: Speaking of teenagers, where's Logan?

Logan: Pepe, are you obsessed with me or something?

Pepe: No. Why do you ask?

Logan: Because you ask for me in every chat. Did I do something wrong to you?

Sergio: Don't mind him. He's a weird old man.

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