Part 34 || Threats And Bribes

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Logan: I'm so conflicted right now 😭

Isco: Why?

Logan: I dunno if I should love you or hate you for this start 😅

Martin: You love me

Logan: Shut up

Ceballos: But you love me 😄 I was great

Logan: True ☺

Martin: I'm here, y'know 🙄

Logan: Leave me alone. I'm sick 🤒

Jonas: Oh how I'm enjoying your weak self right now 😂😈

Sergio: Get well soon ❤

Cristiano: Get well soon, Logan ❤

Martin: Get well soon babe. Love ya 😚


Nacho: AM I ALIVE?!?!?! 😍😍

Isco: I'm crying 😍😢

Jesús: Still don't get why you all freak out over them 😅

Logan: Me either

Martin: Ikr



Marco: He was great

Toni: We were all great 🙌 especially Gareth tho

Luka: Would've been perfect if Kova, Marcelo, and Theo didn't get injured 😔

Mateo: How do you think I feel?!?!?!?! 😣

Dani: We'll see you on grass in a month and a half

Mateo: Don't remind me 😒

Lucas V: Don't be grumpy ☺

Mateo: Piss off 🙂

Theo: I'm hungry

Martin: Me too

Toni: Here's an idea: go eat 😃

Martin: Nice-guy Toni was abducted and replaced by mean-sarcastic-bitchy Toni

Toni: I'm replacing your face with my foot

Martin: Not the face 😟

Marcos: Have the goalies cover your face

Luca: Leave me out of this

Raphael: Someone always has to object

Luka: Usually that would be Cristiano

Lucas V: And in these cases his name would be Hey, you

Karim: Yessss bring that back 😍😍😍

Cristiano: I'm planning your murder Lucas 🙂

James: By throwing kids toys at him? Pretty sure that's the only weapon available in your house right now #nursery 😌

Carlos: Ooooohohohoho 😂😂😂

Cristiano: One more added to my death book 🙂

Lucas S: I'm pretty sure Martin is #1 and Logan is second

Cristiano: They are

Logan: I want to be #1 😔

Jonas: Logan no 🤦🏻‍♀

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