Part 18 || Euro Winners!

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James: Crissy! Congratulations!

Cristiano: Thank you. But don't call me crissy, you prick! 😒

Sergio: Tough luck, Gareth!

Luka: Better luck next time, mate!

Gareth: Thanks guys!

Karim: I wasn't even in the tournament, soooo...

Isco: Most of us weren't, so put a sock in it 😒

Martin: Lots of anger and tension in here 😞

Isco: I side with Cristiano. Odegaard really is annoying!

Marcelo: ^what's up his ass?

Sergio: My foot, very soon, if he doesn't stop being a moody bitch! 😡

Logan: You guys alright, or should we do something about this?

Sergio: He's fine. Right, Isco?

Isco: Yes.

Logan: Good. You all should be happy for Gareth for taking Wales to the finals, and for Cristiano for winning the title with his team.

Keylor: She's right.

Pepe: Y'know Logan, for a 17-year-old, you know what to say.

Martin: Are you saying 17-year-olds are stupid?! Because last I checked, you weren't born a 50-year-old.


Karim: Well, you're not stupid. But you both certainly are rude.

Martin: Deal with it.

Cristiano: See what what I have to deal with. On top of that, his house is right next to mine.

Martin: At least I'm not an annoying neighbor! 😊

Toni: True.

James: You live next to him, Toni?

Toni: Mhm!

Martin: Look at that, Hey, you: someone tells that truth.

Cristiano: Hey! Stop being rude.

Logan: Cristiano, I'm concerned.

Marcelo: Yeah me too. How do you raise a kid when you're one yourself?

Sergio: Hahahah! BURN!!!🔥

Logan: Y'know what! Cut him some slack. He is part of the winning team of Europe 😌

Cristiano: Thanks Logan! 😀

Lucas: And he did an awesome job at the end.

James: And he is injured 😢

Gareth: There, there, James. There, there.

Marcelo: Where's that bitch of a Carlos?

Casimero: You talking to me?

Marcelo: Yes, bald head, I'm talking to you!

Casimero: Bald head?! Mate, you're mistaking me for Pepe.


Sergio: Apply ice to Pepe.

Pepe: Stupid piece of shit. I will cut you.

Casimero: You can try.

Marcelo: Kay. Back to me: can you babysit my son for a while? I have something else to do.

Alvaro M: How's your vacation going, guys?

Pepe: Not now, you.

Alvaro M: Fine 😟

Isco: Hey! Don't make him upset, you evil witch!

Casimero: Sure why not.

Marcelo: Thanks dude.

Zidane: You are a talkative, rude, annoying group of people 😐

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