Part 35 || Movies

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James: So how's life in Madrid? ☺

Isco: Still the same

Sergio: Back home from internationals 😛

Nacho: I wish I could take a break from some of you 🙄

Dani: Not when they're in the club and national team 😂

Cristiano: How's life for the loans? 🙂

Fabio: Splendid

Martin: We just lost 😒 take me back to the national squad 😣

James: We did great 😎

Lucas V: Piss off 😒

Jonas: Speaking of pissed off... 😏

Logan: DON'T YOU DARE!!!!! 😤

Theo: What happened?

Logan: No

Jonas: Just a minute. I'm still laughing 😂😂😂😂😂

Luka: K now we're interested

Gareth: What did Logan do now?

Logan: We will not discuss this

Ceballos: Jonas. Speak

Jonas: We went to the movies and she lost her shit 😂

Martin: Did you forget your glasses again?

Logan: No I had them

Marcelo: Hold up! You wear glasses?

Jonas: Both of us do

Marco: Then what happened?

Jonas: A lady with her little son were sitting in front of us and the kid was really loud. He kept crying and screaming

Logan: Extremely loud. Unbearable 😣

Jonas: Then I got a text but my phone wasn't silent

Logan: The rude ass woman had the nerve to yell at him "CAN YOU KEEP YOUR PHONE ON VIBRATE?"

Jonas: So Logan shouts back "CAN YOU KEEP YOUR SON ON VIBRATE?" 😂

Marcos: Keep your son on vibrate? Wth 😂😂😂

Raphael: Where did you get that from?!?! 😂

Logan: They were so ruuuude 😣

Jonas: Everyone was laughing and the lady left

Logan: Thank God. We finished the movie in peace

Jonas: That was still rude on your side 😅

Logan: I don't care. I watched my movie silently

Toni: Which movie was it?

Jonas: Spiderman

Toni: Not my thing

Logan: Would've taken you with us but you were receiving your golden hen

Toni: 😑

Lucas S: Golden hen?! 😂

Karim: Some German award

Kiko: A farming award? 😉

Toni: Get lost 😑

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