Part 33 || New Ones

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~Achraf Hakimi was added to the groupchat~

Achraf: Wait, what?

Martin: Can someone be added to this groupchat and not be lost? 🙄

Cristiano: Can you stop annoying every new one added? 😑

Martin: Can you get off my back? 😐

Toni: Can you stop arguing in questions?

Toni: Shit 😧

Marcelo: Logan keep your kid destracted while we talk


Martin: Why are you calling me a kid?! 😯

Jonas: Nevermind that. Noticed Logan isn't even online, anyone? 🙄

Gareth: Is she not with Martin?

Martin: Nope. Cuz honestly Martin himself is kinda lost 😅

Sergio: Huh?

Jonas: He's lost in the supermarket 😂

Luca: Again? 😂😂😂

Isco: Are you cursed or something 😂😂😂

Martin: I might be 😧

Jonas: Now seriously where are you? We gotta leave

Martin: Next to the cheese

Jonas: Go to the exit dumbass 😐

Martin: I can't even find my way out of the isle 😒 too much boxes on the floor 😧

Jonas: If I don't find you by the exit when I'm leaving I'm going without you 😐

Martin: Fine. Be like that 😢

Luka: I'm tearing up over here 😂😂😂

James: I'm eating over here 😋

Lucas V: I'm alive over here

Sergio: Barely alive, you mean 🙄

Gareth: Can you stop texting so much? 😒

Isco: Why?

Gareth: My head hurts

Marcelo: That's your brain trying to comprehend it's own stupidity

Nacho: Ooooh 🔥🔥🔥

Gareth: Piss off 😒

Toni: Go take some painkillers and anti-bitch pills and nap for a while. We don't need negatives here 🙂

Raphael: Who are you and what did you do to the real Toni? 😳

Toni: I killed him 😈

Cristiano: Welp 🤐

Dani: Some things changed drastically during international break 😶

Keylor: Which Dani was this?

Dani: I'm kicking someone out of the country. Someone who has the same name as me

Ceballos: Oops 😅

Karim: Achraf don't be shy sweetheart. We don't bite

Achraf: I'm still laughing at Martin and idk who 😂😂😂

Jonas: Well that didn't sting 🙂

Achraf: Haven't been introduced yet 😅

Kiko: Whose turn is it to tell the story?

Luca: One of the newbees

Theo: Me? ☺

Sergio: Go ahead

Theo: Lucas V added Logan's number by mistake and she added her twin brother Jonas

Achraf: Got it 🙌

Logan: I saw my name 🙆

Mateo: Hey little one 😄 where were you?

Logan: Getting my driver's license 😁

Jonas: EXCUSE ME 😡😡😡

Logan: Oops 🙊

Jonas: How could you go without me? 😢💔

Logan: Enjoyed your date with Martin? 🙄

Martin: Babe please keep me out of this 🙃

Jonas: Not really. His ass got lost and I waited for him in the parking lot

Martin: I took my time next to the ice cream section 😋😅

Marco: Should've gotten lost with you 😅

Carlos: Should've gotten lost and never found

Lucas S: What did he even do to you? 😂

Jesús: This is just a circus in text form 😂

Borja: You've seen nothing yet 😂

Fabio: I invented my own hashtag 😌

Toni: This should be interesting

Fabio: #fabiolous 🌟

Mateo: Not as interesting as expected

Fabio: Whatever. I'm bored 😒

Luka: Everyone comes here when they're bored

Gareth: They seem to find our bickering entertaining

Cristiano: I hope. This banter isn't for nothing 😅

Zidane: Do I even need to say it?

Karim: No we learned our lesson

Marcelo: Say it one more time for the new ones

Zidane: Your chats need to be a bit more useful

Martin: I'm on it: I'm extending my contract ☺

Sergio: I think I hear Cristiano getting a heart attack

Nacho: I think hear Isco crying in a corner

Jonas: I think you need a bell for this guy or a tracking device. You'll be losing him a lot

Martin: I'm in this groupchat too, y'know 😑

Jonas: Prove me wrong 😏

Logan: I'm going to take a nap 😊

Martin: Sounds like a good idea. I'm off to bed too

Keylor: Teenagers? More like worn out 80-year-olds 🙄

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