Part 24 || Recap

434 33 21

Marcelo: Hola amigos!

Logan: 😐

Marcelo: And amiga.

Cristiano: What do you want?

Marcelo: What's been going on lately?

Sergio: Oh God! Where do we even begin?! 😱

Logan: No, really, what happened?

James: More than half of the team is injured. Rumors of players that the club wants are floating around. Little Øde left on a loan.

Martin: You little shit! 😡

Logan: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 OMG THAT'S HILARIOUS!!!!!!

Martin: No it isn't 😧

Lucas V: It kinda is 😅

Lucas V: Since when is my screenname "Lucas V"? 🤔

Lucas S: Since another Lucas returned to the team. 🙌

Lucas V: K, Silva.

Martin: 🙌

Cristiano: Now that you're on a different team, can we remove you from the groupchat?

Martin: No.

Cristiano: Dude c'mon 😩 I need a break from you.

Isco: There goes Logan's chance of dating Martin 😔


Martin: And I'm not dead, y'know. I'm just in a different country for a while.

Logan: And why do you think I would date him?

Martin: Scuse you but what's wrong with me? 😒

Logan: Nothing but

Logan: Nevermind 😊

Martin: Okay Logan. We'll see about that.

Sergio: Nevermind that. Would you like to continue, James?

James: Continue what?

Pepe: Oh my God 😑

Luka: And then we started the new year on the wrong foot. Lost two games, won another, and we're back on track.

Toni: And then we tied with celta, and now we're out of the cup. Not the right track obviously 🙂

Marcelo: Thank you Lukita.

Luka: 😊

Toni: 🙁

Marcelo: And Toni.

Toni: 😊

Keylor: Logan, how's college?

Logan: Going great. I still have two days of finals exams 😁

Isco: Two days and you finish college? 😲 That's fast!!!

Gareth: We need a face-palm emoji 😒

Cristiano: No, Isco. She doesn't finish college. She just finishes the first semester of the first year of college.

Isco: What's a semester?

Toni: Oh God! 😧

Logan: A semester is half of an academic year. It's usually 3-4 months.

Isco: Ah okay.

Keylor: Isco how do you survive with just half a brain?

Sergio: 😂


Lucas V: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Grareth: Omg hahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Isco: Someone needs to be nice 😑

Martin: Someone needs a whole brain 😂

Toni: Martin that's not nice.

Isco: I agree with Cristiano. Kick Martin out until he returns to the team.

Alvaro: Or until he dates Logan.

Martin: Apparently I'm not byfriend material, so just drop it ☺


Martin: Then what exactly did you mean?

Logan: Just forget it. It's not important 😧

Martin: Whatever 😒

James: Seriously you two?! 😑

Cristiano: Martin what's wrong with you? All you do is bitch 😒

Martin: Excuse you, but I happen to bitch the perfect amount for someone in my situation 😞

Marcelo: What situation?

Martin: I dunno, maybe being rejected by a girl I dON'T EVEN KNOW 😤


Martin: Right.

Logan: Fine. Fuck you. I'm leaving.

~Logan left the groupchat~

Martin: If someone blames me, I'm flying back to Spain right now to kill him 😡

Lucas S: Then who's to be blamed?

Martin: All of you. You started this whole dating thing. I never even thought about her like that!

Sergio: Oops 🙄

~Martin Ødegaard left the groupchat~

Cristiano: 😢

Marco: Didn't you want him out?

Cristiano: Not like that!

Alvaro: This is not good.

Isco: Well thanks for telling us, Alvaro. We didn't know.

Alvaro: I'm trying not to electrocute you, Isco. Don't make me regret my tolerance 😐

Sergio: Someone go talk to Logan.

Cristiano: And someone go talk to Martin. He's still our son.

Gareth: Awwww you're so sweet Crissy.

Cristiano: Like someone great once said: "Go find a goat to torture Farnk" 😑

Toni: Cris, I never thought you like Martin so much 😍😏

Cristiano: Meh.

Lucas V: Riiiight!

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