Part 13 || Memes

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Toni: Can you guys stop with all these memes?

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Toni: Can you guys stop with all these memes?

Dani: Yeah, theye're annoying.

Lucas: And why is Martin in most of those?

James: He just likes attention.

Martin: Trust me: I don't plan it, it happens on its own. The people love me.

Cristiano: Modesty, son!

Martin: I'm older than to be your "son".

Cristiano: Dude, you know what I mean.

Martin: Whatever 😐

Toni: You guys just like to argue over stupid shit. Why are you always doing that?!

Gary: You happy Martin and Cris? You got Mr. Good-Guy to say a bad word.

Sergio: Yeah! Be careful. There are kids in this chat.

James: Who?

Gareth: Martin and Logan.

Logan: We're not kids. We're both 17.

Martin: I thought you were 16.

Logan: There's this thing called a birthday. And I went through it like two weeks ago, for the seventeenth time in my life so far.

Martin: Do I laugh or nod at that?!

Cristiano: Laugh. That was funny! 😂

Martin: I don't think so 😒

Logan: I don't care 😒

Gary: Shots fired.

Martin: Frank please go find yourself a goat to torture.

James: 😂😂😂


Luka: This is probably the funniest thing Martin has said ever since he arrived at the club 😂😂😂

~Sergio Ramos Changed "Gary" to "Frank"~

Frank: SERGIO!!!! That's not funny 😡

Cristiano: Actually it is 😂

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