Part 22 || International Break

676 35 15

Surprise update!!!!! 😁😁😁


James: Do we have to have an international break. I will miss you all too much 😔

Marcelo: It's just for a little while. Don't cry.

Cristiano: I'm personally not feeling the "international break" 😐

Logan: At least I'll see Die Mannschaft playing 😀

Toni: FAN!!!! 🙌

Logan: Yep!

Isco: Betrayal!

Luka: What stung you, Isco?

Dani: Probably me. You never know 😈

Martin: Ha!

Isco: You're still out to get me 😧

Sergio: When the break is over and we return to Spain, we will be plotting against you.

Isco: What did I do to you Sergio?

Alvaro M: I believe it's the mere fact that you are naturally stupid.

Gareth: And a nuisance.

Lucas: Is that a disease?!

Toni: No. It means annoying.

Isco: And you're all rude.

Logan: Hey!

Marcelo: What?

Logan: Did anyone remember to add Marco?

Lucas: MARCO BABY!!!

Toni: Excuse you. But need I remind you who you belong to?!

Lucas: No you don't. But Marco is precious. Don't argue with me.

James: And why does Lucas belong to you, Toni? ☺

Nacho: Lucas couldn't keep his hands off Toni in training.


Cristiano: That was unexpected. Of both of you.

Martin: Expect the unexpected 😌

Cristiano: If I slap you, would you expect that?

Martin: Yes. Because I know how you are.

Marcelo: Owned 😎😎😎

Isco: Didn't expect that, Cristiano, now did you!

Alvaro M: Just shut up and add Marco!

~"Marco Asesnsio" was added to the grouochat~

Marco: What?

Pepe: Oh great! He's already lost!

Logan: Pepe! Behave!

Martin: Ha! That was actually funny 😁

Isco: Sit down kid. No one's talking to you.

Martin: I'm not standing.

Lucas: Stand up, then sit down.

Martin: Okay, done.

Logan: You actually did that?!

Martin: I'm just tired of all this 😧 Just welcome Marco and get this over with.

Logan: Good idea.

Marco: Who's the new guy?

Logan: ***girl 😒

Marco: ***girl

Marcelo: This is Logan, a girl Martin accidentally added.

Martin: That wasn't me.

Lucas: That was me. I don't know where I got her number from.

Marco: Oookaaaay!

Logan: Is he mocking me? Because he really shouldn't!

Gareth: No he's just a bit awkward.

Marco: Where'd you get that from?!

Sergio: We notice it.

Marco: Bullshit!

Logan: Ha! I see the "awkward".

Pepe: Logan, I think you shouldn't interfere when it comes to the new guys.

Toni: Dude, stop. Are you trying to hurt her feelings again?!

Logan: Don't worry Toni. I've become immune to Pepe.

Lucas: How so?

Logan: I just remembered what Sergio said 😌

Martin: Elaborate...

Logan: Pepe is just a weird old man 😌


Marco: 😂😂😂 I like this girl

Logan: Everyone does 💁

Pepe: Not everyone.

Sergio: I like her.

Dani: Capi's words are final.

Pepe: I'm also a captain.

Sergio: Not in my presence. Sit down puta.

Martin: Don't you get tired of saying sit down when you know they're not even standing?!

Sergio: You know what I mean 😒

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