Part 26 || Brother

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Logan: So Jonas doesn't believe that I text you guys 😧

Cristiano: Sorry, but who's Jonas?

Logan: My brother.

Cristiano: Oookayyy.

Sergio: Logan.

Logan: Ha?

Sergio: Add him to the groupchat.

Logan: Why?!

Marcelo: We're teaching him a lesson.

Logan: Haha okay.

~Logan added Jonas to the groupchat~

Jonas: What is this? Where am I?! 😨

Logan: Calm down blödmann 😑

Toni: 😂😂😂

Jonas: Seriously, who are all of these?

Luka: We are the Real Madrid players.

Jonas: Ha. Yeah sure. And I'm Chris Hemsworth 😂

James: Really?!

Dani: No, James. He's not. He's Logan's brother.

Logan: Jo this is Real Madrid players' groupchat and they are the players.

Jonas: Nope. Still don't believe it.

Logan:  Fine. Then look at their profile pictures 😧

Cristiano: Hello!

Jonas: OMG WHAT?!?!?!

Toni: Hallo! 😊

Alvaro: Sup 😊


Cristiano: Yep.

Jonas: This is awesome!!! Logan how did you start texting them?

Marcelo: Martin added her by mistake.

Martin: COME. ON!!! 😧

Lucas V: Not Martin. I added her by mistake.

Jonas: Why do you have her number? 🤔

Lucas V: Idk. I don't know whose number I thought it was.

Toni: I have a feeling someone's waiting for you to text or call them.

Lucas V: Me too 😧


Logan: Jonas you're embarrassing me 😒

Jonas: Well excuse me. I don't text famous football players everyday 😐

Logan: Whatever. I do 😊

Gareth: Dani how are you feeling?

Mateo: What's wrong with him?

Sergio: He's been sick for a few days.

Mateo: Oh. Okay. How are you?

Dani: Better. It was just a cold. Now it's just a bad headache that seems to come and go.

Isco: Hi! 🙋

Dani: Here it comes 😒


Cristiano: Damn. That's brutal 😂😂😂

Isco: Okay. I see how it is 😔

James: Isco and I are oppressed in this group 😒

Luka: Well you two are prone to be mocked, so why not 😊

Isco: Thanks. I feel much better now 😐

Jonas: This may seem over-dramatic and I may sound pathetic

Logan: It is and you are.

Jonas: But this groupchat is the best thing to happen to me this whole year

Marcelo: This is the best thing that happened to you this year?

Jonas: Yeah

Martin: I feel sorry for you.

Cristiano: Martin please go bitch somewhere else, you owl

Martin: How polite of you 😑

Logan: And they say teenagers are rude

Pepe: All you and Martin ever did in this groupchat is prove this theory right

Alvaro: Btw Jonas how old are you?

Jonas: 17 years old

James: But Logan is 17

Logan: Twins 👫

James: Oh

Martin: That's cool

Jonas: Not really

Logan: Same as having a sibling younger or older than you

Martin: Terrible

Dani: Can soneone come to my house to take Lucas away? 😒

Toni: Why is he in your house?

Marco: How did he get in?

Dani: I let him in without knowing who was on the door. And he's coming to help me get better actually

Alvaro: How?

Lucas: I made him a nice hot cup of tea 😊

Dani: It was cold

Lucas: A nice cup of tea

Dani: It was horrible

Lucas: A cup of tea 😐

Dani: I'm not sure it was even tea

Lucas: Cup 😒

Toni: I'm on my way 😂

Jonas: Take me with you 😩

Logan: STOP THIS 😲

Jonas: Why so angry?! 🙄

Logan: You're an embarrassment 😖

Cristiano: Leave him alone Logan

Logan: This is family business Cristiano. Stay out of it 😒

Jonas: I thought you're an asshole to me only. Turns out you're like that with everyone

Martin: Can I meet him? He's awesome 🙄

Luka: No. We don't want you teaching him your ways.

Gareth: One problem is enough 😒

Martin: I feel loved 😑

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